Trencin region
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light snow
Number of results: 842
Traditional Culture Center at Myjave is focused on traditional culture and heritage in the Myjavian region. It also includes preserving the values…
Prievidza district has several of the most - in the Trenčín region it is the largest, the most populous and dominates also in terms of number of…
By the beginning of the tourist season Trenčiansky hrad undergoes several changes. . On Friday, March 10, 2017, four directors of the entities in…
Under the slogan that everything is worthwhile, we bring the long-awaited second part of the spa series. Or if you want a more expressive message - …
On Tuesday, March 7, 2017, an introductory conference was held in the historical premises of the renaissance castle Burg in Považie Podhradie, the …
From time to time, love goes through the stomach, but in recent years gastronomy has become a real fashion hit. He is experiencing the Renaissance.…
Over the past weekend, traditional fašiang celebrations took place in several towns and villages. Those Trenčiansko-Teplice were carried in a…
The engine slammed, the car doors opened. We arrive at zero. From the chauffeur, you only have one step and you are in Moravia. The fellow colleague…
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