The film and Trencianske Teplice have inherently belonged to them for more than a quarter of a century. Rich program in cinemas as well as rich accompanying events. Discussions, concerts, but also parties. Fun for everyone in the most diverse forms. This is Park Film Fest.
Already on Friday 23.6. Will start in Trenčianske Teplice another year of this international film festival. He will have four sections, including two contests, five screenplays, and the second year of the Art In Park program at the Spa Park. In the pleasant environment of the spa town you feel at home on the one hand, on the other hand you touch the whole world. As a member of the festival team Diana Fabiánová said, "the whole festival is dedicated to diversity, mutual interconnection and knowledge of people, ethnicity and culture. This is reflected in selected films as well as in the whole festival at all. "Park Film Fest, however, is also exceptional for cinema people, both local and foreign. This year, Táňa Pauhofová, Slovak actress Táňa Pauhofová will be the youngest laureate of the Art and Hero Mission in the history of the Teplice festival, and Polish director Krzysztof Zanussi will be awarded the Prize of the Mayor of Trenčianske Teplice. The Golden Camera award, which visitors have come to know from the past years of the festival, will be replaced by the prize taken by the Czech director Ondřej Trojan and the Slovak documentary artist Zuzana Piussi. This year, several concerts will take place in the Spa Park, as well as in the legendary Zelená faba, as well as workshops, chill-out zones, videoprojections and the presentation of works by young fashion designers.
Everyone who would like to start this summer at the film festival, we cordially invite you to Trenčianske Teplice on 23 - 26 June 2017.
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