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He poked the wizard who paved the way

Beckovcani, Kálničania and all of Slovakia this year reminds of the two-year anniversary of the birth of one of the rulers of the years, Jozef Miloslav Hurban. The native of Beck, who loved neighboring Kálnica. And he loved his family.

The wife, by the way, the first Slovak actress Anička Jurkovičová, and their children, was also a symbol of the state for Hurban. Love, devotion and struggle for her good, simply considered the family as the basis of the state. However, Jozef Miloslav was not just a politician. In his biography, you would find the profession of a journalist, a writer, and even an evangelical priest. At one time he was one of the highest evanjelic dignitaries. The celebrated birthday celebrations were celebrated in the Beckov Evangelical Church.

"It has often been used by Kollar the words that nationality and religion are sisters. He said we were both spiritual and secular citizens. It was important to him that he would not just say the word of God, but he also lived and drew it, "Miloš Klátik, the general bishop of the Evangelical Church in Slovakia, outlined the spiritual side of the wizard. Hurban dedicated the memorial to neighboring Calnicans, and from Kálnice to Beckov even leads an educational walkway. "Jozef Miloslav Hurban is part of the glorious footpath of the glory of Trenčín region. Together with our other natives, Štúro, Dubček and Štefánik, literally paved a pavement, but a straightforward way to such a Slovak nation as we know today, "Jaroslav Baska, the chairman of Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj, said during the celebration.

Hurban's life in the cube is represented by the Beckov Museum. The historians, led by Libor Bernát, chose the most outstanding moments of his varied life for the professional and lay public. "He was very hard at the time. If he had a notebook, so we have nothing to do today - in terms of language, and so on. "With a smile in his voice and in his eyes, Libor Bernát describes Hurban's enthusiasm for everything he has met. His credit for the codification of the Slovak language was no less than his fellow member Ľudovít Štúr. Some even claim to have hit her some more. "We can blame him for a lot of things, but we can do it to anyone who does something. Few know that Hurban had major health problems. And despite the pain he worked hard, "concluded the curator of the Bernát exhibition.

JM Hurban

The first President of the Slovak National Council was born on March 19, 1817 in Beckov, died on February 21, 1888 in Hlbok. He was a writer, journalist, politician and organizer of the cultural life of the Slovak National Movement, the Evangelical Priest and the leading personality of the Slovak Uprising in the Middle Ages (1848-1849). Hurban took the school bench in Trenčín, from where he took his steps to the Bratislava liceum. It was here that Ľudovít Štúr met, fighting together for the Slovak language. In July 1843 he met with Štúrom and Hodž in Hlbok and decided that the Central Slovak language would be the basis of the national Slovak literary language. He was co-founder of the Memoranda of the Slovak nation and became a founding member of the Slovak Mother.

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