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Number of results: 110

Trenčín castle-icon

Trenčín castle


(4 ratings)

Proud and fearless Trenčín castle, pride of Trenčín. It’s visible from afar and all directions. It dominates Trenčín and the whole Považie. Like a…

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Bojnice castle-icon

Bojnice castle


(1 rating)

As in the fairy tale about the ugly duckling, one of the oldest monuments in Slovakia had also transformed from a wooden castle into a stone gem.…

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Mound of General M. R. Štefanik-icon

Mound of General M. R. Štefanik

Brezová pod Bradlom

(2 ratings)

Pearl of Myjava hills, Mound of General M. R. Štefánik on the top of Bradlo, the road between Brezová and Košariská. Noone can overlook the shining…

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Brodzany manor house with an English garden-icon

Brodzany manor house with an English garden


One of the most famous cultural and historical architectural monuments of Ponitrie is surely this Renaissance manor house. The manor house attracts…

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Skalka nad Váhom-icon

Skalka nad Váhom


(1 rating)

Who wants to explore history can visit one of the oldest settlements in our territory – dating back to the Stone Age!   . HISTORY  . The oldest…

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Vyšehradné - Nitrianske Pravno

. Not only our Czech or Hungarian neighbors have legendary Vysehrad and Visegrád, and our country has Vyšehrad . It is a unique natural area that…

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Kalvária Solka-icon

Kalvária Solka

Nitrianske Pravno

The Christian Calvary on the Galgensberg Hill is a unique collection of 27 neo-gothic neoclassical buildings. . . You can find it between…

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Museum of Culture of the Carpathian Germans-icon

Museum of Culture of the Carpathian Germans

Nitrianske Pravno

(1 rating)

. Nitrianske Pravno is a city with a German tradition, lasting for generations until the period of displacement after the Second World War. Vol. war…

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