welcomein Trenčín Region

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from different corners of our region.



Light rain

Number of results: 798

Tourist treasures of the Trencin region at the REGIONTOUR fair in Brno

In the premises of the Brno Exhibition Center, the next edition of the International Tourism Fair - Regiontour 2017 was held on 19-22 January 2017.…

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Guardians of Middle Považia

Once they had a defensive function, today they are mostly sought after by tourists and lovers of history. Beckovsky, Čachtický and Tematínsky castle…

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Do not take us a quick fix

Opposite to us, the forest crosses the path of a white, glistening Mercedes. Bus tour. In this part of the world and in November's color, it…

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Visitors to Trenčín Castle have once again exceeded historical records

In 2016, the Trenčiansky Castle visited almost 12,000 more visitors than in 2015, despite the fact that in October it was open to the public only…

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If it is cold, the experience is guaranteed

The winter season offers several opportunities for sports - skating, hiking and, last but not least, skiing. We do not have to go far for such…

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The Oriental Missions of Peace to the Bojnice Chateau

The Oriental Salon of the Bojnice Chateau is the result of the diverse collection activity of Count Pálfi, which was also oriented to the Middle…

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Samko Dudík - you get through the time

Violin master, singer, dancer, you also receive collectors of Myjavan songs and their interpreter. Samko Dudík was a unique personality of…

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Successful year of Trenčianska tram

At the end of the year, Trenčín Electric Railroad (TREŽ) is closing its successful season, after which a famous historic tram is running on…

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