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Traffic to Trenčín Region is growing

Trenčiansky kraj's growth is increasing, for the first half of 2017 he visited 172,660 tourists.

Interest in Trenčín region rises year after year. This is confirmed by statistics and traffic comparisons from previous years. Although in the first half of 2017, the size of the small, but tourist potential of the large Trenčín region was 19% more tourists than in the same period last year.

The exact number of tourists who visited the Trenčín region in the first half of 2017 climbed to 172,660, which represents 32,842 visitors more than in the first half of 2016. Compared to other regions, the Trenčiansky Region is in 5th place, the neighboring Trnavský and Nitriansky region, or even the Košice Region, predominated. It is also a positive fact that tourists spent more nights in the Trenčín region, the number of overnight stays increased by almost 14% in the first half of 2017 compared to the previous year. The increase in tourists also reflected an increase in accommodation revenues which amounted to EUR 16 130 273 in the first half of 2017, an increase of EUR 3 520 902 compared to the first half of 2016.

"As far as the number of beds is concerned, our region was the only one in the last year where there was an increase in capacity by 278 beds compared to 2015. In all other Slovak regions, there was a significant decrease in 2016. In this half the number of beds increased by 688, while the number of beds decreased in comparison with Bratislava, Prešov and Košice. In the Prešov region, which has long been one of the most visited regions, the number of beds has fallen by as much as 1 073, " explained Eva Fryvaldská, Executive Director of the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín Region.

Tourists visit the Trenčín region especially for the spa in Trenčianske Teplice, Bojnice and Nimnice. Every year, visitors to castles and castle ruins are also increasing in the region. It is not in vain that the Trenčín Region is a region of castles, chateaus and legends. In addition to the potential of spa and cultural heritage, the region also has a predisposition to developing tourism and discovering natural beauties such as, Manínska or Haluzická tiesňava. Agrotourism, hunting, or biking are also coming to the fore.

Increasing the traffic and promotion of tourist attractions in the Trenčín Region is the main objective of the KOCR Trenčín region. Since its founding in 2015, KOCR has already implemented several successful projects. "We have created a modern tourist information portal that contains all the necessary information for those who want to visit our region. At www.trencinregion.sk, tourists will find tips for accommodation, boarding, relaxing in the spa, sporting events or a list of cultural events. Planning a trip in the region is also facilitated by a clear interactive map. Detailed information on the tourist offer in the region would like to draw attention to the less visited, newly opened and forgotten places in the region and to support their development. Tourist news is available on the web site, facebook fanpage, but also in the two-month Trencin region, which enjoys great popularity, " added Juraj Gerlici, chairman of KOCR Trenčín Region.

The Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic (MDR SR) is launching an innovative tourism portal www.slovakia.travel with similar intention and online promotion of tourist offer. The tourist products of all Slovak regions will be combined into one place and will facilitate holiday planning in Slovakia. Tourist touring in Slovakia will also be enjoyed by a national tourist card , the start of which is in the preparatory phase. The card has the potential to offer discounts to tourists not only in one region but across the whole of Slovakia. Travelers do not have to be burdened by a number of regional discount cards and they can get a specific offer or discount for a given region thanks to one card.

The KOCR Trenčín Region cooperates closely with the Tourism Section of the MDR SR, either in the fulfillment of the Slovak Tourist Portal with information about the Trenčín Region or other projects. This year, the KOCR Trenčín region for the first time received a subsidy from MDR SR for the amount of 51. 358 euros to support the development of tourism in the region. "KOCR Trencin region, despite its short 2-year activity, has been among the successful regional tourism organizations in Slovakia. Through its activities, it proves that its existence is justified in the region and brings positive results, which are reflected in the increase in the traffic of the Trenčín region, "confirmed Martina Fondrková, Director of Destination Management Department, MDV SR Tourism Section.

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