The signed contract for the construction of the first section of the Weighing Cycle Route, which runs from the border with the Trnava self-governing region to the New Town of Váh, has now been signed by a second treaty. On the basis of this, the region will also build a second stretch of Váží cyklomagistrály in the foreseeable future in Púchov - Nosická priehrada.
When the Sage Cycle Route is completely built, it will reach a length of 100 km. He runs across the entire Trenčín Self-governing Region (TSK). Cyclists will be able to take it from the border with the Zilina self-governing region along Vaha to the border with the Trnava region. The cycle route will be segregated, which means that the contact of cyclists with automotive transport, road traffic will only be minimal. The bulk of the weighbridge will lead along the protective dams of the old Váh river and create adequate conditions for safe cycling . At the same time it will expand the possibilities of spending free time on two wheels. In addition, the Sage Cycle Route should also be a good alternative to transport to work, just on a bicycle.
At present, the construction of this large cycling project is divided into 8 parts . The closest to the construction is its first part, leading from the border with Trnava self-governing region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom. TSK, as the investor of the construction in August of this year, signed a contract with the building contractor, with STRABAG, sro The same company will also realize the construction of the second of the eight parts of the Vážska cyklotrasa. Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj today signed with the representatives of the company a contract for the construction of a cycle path on the section Púchov - Nosická priehrada . This section of the artery exceeds 4,000 meters and its construction costs reach 2,9 million. €. "Construction time is planned for 112 days. As far as the parameters of the cycle route are concerned, we are talking about a 3 m wide asphalt road that involves driving in both directions. The bicycle route will be segregated, separated from automobile transport and by pedestrians, who will use the already existing pavement on Púchovo-Nimnica, "said Jaroslav Baška, chairman of Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj, with the fact that the preparation of the cycle route itself was preceded by preparatory work.
The benefit of cycling routes for both small and large cyclists, which will lead also the cadastre of the village of Nimnica and the town of Púchov, is also commended by the noble mayor Ladislav Ďureček as well as the town of Púchov. "This is really the moment when our hearts fall and we can see that cycling trails materialize and serve the benefit of the city's citizens." He expressed his pleasure especially to the safety of cyclists thanks to the new cycle path of the representative of the Mayor of Púchov, Roman Hvizdák. Weighbridge has also the ambition to become the main bicycle artery, which will be gradually fed into the next cycling infrastructure . "With the Mayor of the Púchov Valley, we are interested in linking cycling trails from our valley to the Vážský cyklotrasu, which will lead to the border of the region," commented Milan Panáček, deputy of the Assembly of Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj and Mayor of Dohňany.
Besides, the cycle route can also be a link between 3 spa towns in the future; Nimnica, Trenčianske Teplice and Piešťany in the Trnava region. "Aside from healthcare, we are building the spa as a tourist center. We look forward to all the trips that will help people get into the baths and will be comfortable or even connected with sports. We want to be a destination in which people stop and wait for new experiences, in addition to relaxation. Therefore, I see the construction of a cycle path as a step in a good direction, "said František Halmeš, Executive Director of the Nimnica Studios. The contract for the construction of a cycle route in the Púchov - Nosická Dam area was signed today in the premises of Kúpele Nimnica in the presence of spa guests.
Construction of the two mentioned stretches of the weighbridge cycle route from the border with the Trnava self-governing region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and from the town of Púchov to the Nosická dam from its budget is covered by the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj. For the implementation of the remaining 6 stretches of the weighbridge, TSK plans to use funds from the European funds , in particular from the Integrated Regional Operational Program. "This year we want to get territorial decisions for two sections of the cycle path, from Nové Mesto nad Váhom to Trenčín and from the town of Považská Bystrica to the border with the Žilina self-governing region", added the robe as the originator of the idea of the construction of the Sázava bicycle route.
Source: Odd. communication and international relations of the TSK
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