How did you spend the summer? Have you been breathing in the water, in nature, or in the news, to know the sights of our region? Thanks to the game Playful Castles of the Trenčín Region you could discover all the castles and ruins in the Trenčín region. If you did not get involved in the game, you can do so by the end of October.
Game The playful castles of the Trenčín region were announced by the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín region exactly on July 1, 2017. Its aim is to inspire families with children and young people to discover the beauty of the Trenčian region in an entertaining form. The game works with the Discovery mobile app that can be downloaded for free.
"The essence of the game is to visit as many castles as possible in our county, where children collect points for localization at a designated location, for a quiz question or for a particular castle. The main prize, the dron, will be won by the highest number of points in the shortest time. However, the other contestants do not even know. We need ten more who get valuable prizes, "explained organizer Juraj Gerlici, chairman of the KOCR Trenčín region.
There are 308 contestants registered, with 49 points getting active. The contest organizer will gradually reveal all the prices on the website to motivate others.
author: bafa
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