welcomein Trenčín Region

Discover all hidden treasures
from different corners of our region.



slightly cloudy

The first October Monday the door is full

The chill-out zone of Trenčín region will revive the building full of officials.

It is at the very heart of Trenčín's self-governing region that the TSK Office will be presenting for the fourth time during Open Door Day. There will also be no regional tourism organization, which in the aforementioned chill-out zone will present to visitors videos about the top destinations in our region. You can also watch vlogs and tips for tours of popular Mummy youtuber.

You can enjoy a variety of cultural performances, concerts (such as the Crying Band), workshops, creative activities and environmental competitions. In your own eyes you will know the functioning of self-government, but also the people who work for it. In one day, you will experience gastronomic and aesthetic adventures under the guidance of high school students, discover the beauty of people with health disabilities or the skills of healthcare professionals from regional hospitals.

"We meet on October 2, 2017 at 9.00 am to 4 pm at DOD. Together we will cover the pax, we will practice the yoga and maybe also meet Hurban, "adds Veronika Rezáková from the TSK communication department.

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