In the center of Bánoviec nad Bebravou there is a cozy place where the intoxicating smell of coffee and the sweet taste of various desserts dominate. Her name is Ellis, and we talked to its owner, Nina Grmanová, to introduce you to an exceptional business, which, thanks to the number of satisfied customers, was ranked silver in the vote for the TOP gastro establishment in the Trenčín region for the year 2022.
You are the owner of the most popular confectionery in Bánovce nad Bebravou, and your satisfied customers secured you 2nd place in the vote for the best gastronomic establishment in the Trenčín Region. Please tell us a little about yourself.
I graduated from the hotel academy and I always really enjoyed working with people. That is why, after finishing school, I worked as a waitress in various cafes and businesses in order to gain enough practice and experience. It has always been my dream to open my own coffee shop or pastry shop, which will have a unique concept and create a place for people where they will feel comfortable and always like to come back for good coffee and dessert. I first worked as a waitress in my pastry shop, but one day an offer to buy it came and that's when the dream of something became a reality.
How long has your patisserie been in business? When did you come up with the idea to open a business?
Opening day 5/3/2021 was especially special for me, because it was the birthday of my daughter Ella, after whom I named the confectionery. We opened window sales at a time when the corona virus pandemic had just started, so the beginnings were not easy at all, but we managed it, mainly thanks to the support of customers.
What can a visitor find at your place besides desserts?
In addition to always fresh desserts, our customers will find excellent coffee, which we prepare in various ways, delicious teas, hot chocolate, cold and hot mixed lemonades, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, the composition of which we took care to offer customers something different, something more. In winter, punch is very popular in our country.
We also prepare a breakfast menu. Sweet and savory pancakes are popular, and especially our bubble waffles, which we prepare in several ways.
But it's not just about what you offer in your offer sheet. You also give customers something extra...
We give customers space for relaxation, entertainment and culture in the form of summer music Fridays, where everyone from the city can come and enjoy live music, since our pastry shop is located on the square.
Last Christmas, we started the all-night punch event, when people could meet, warm up, talk and soak up the Christmas atmosphere. It was a great success and we would definitely like to continue similar events.
Despite the fact that we are just a small pastry shop, we offer a wide portfolio of goodies, a pleasant atmosphere, always smiling, friendly and stable staff. Mothers will also relax with us, enjoying great coffee and a cookie, while their children can play in the children's corner while they are still in sight.
We are a place where new friendships are made, where everyone finds a moment for themselves, where new ideas and inspirations arise, where we approach everyone kindly, with a good mood and with a smile.
Do you have any other plans for the future?
Our vision is to continue to progress, to give our customers the best, to keep up with the times and to bring innovations so that our customers will feel good with us in the future as well. So that they enjoy every dessert and excellent coffee and that they always like to come back.
Text: PG
Photo: FB Ellis confectionery
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