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Light rain

Recipe: Oškvarkové pagáčiky - Materáky

Who wouldn't know the fantastic Oškvark pagáčiky from the surroundings of Nové Mesto nad Váhom. You can complement the pleasantly salty taste with plum jam, which will give traditional pagaks a new dimension of taste.


Smooth flour 200 g, semi-coarse flour 150 g, greaves 300 g, salt 1/4 PL, milk 200 ml, cream 100 g, eggs 2 pcs, wine 100 ml, yeast 20 g, plum jam 200 g.


On a wooden board, we process flour and ground greaves, a pinch of salt, gradually yolks whipped in milk, cream, wine and yeast. We prepare the dough well and roll it on a sheet, which we repeatedly fold into the shape of an envelope, we repeat at least 4 to 5 times. Finally, we cut out the pegs from the rolled-out pancake to a thickness of about 1.5 cm and place them on the greased baking sheet. Let it sour, make a grid on the surface with a knife and rub it with an egg. For each pagáček we give a teaspoon of good home-made jam. Bake at a temperature of 180 degrees.

We wish you good taste!

The recipe book was prepared by TSK in cooperation with the Secondary Vocational School of Trade and Services in Púchov.

Photo: Radovan Stoklasa

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