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The railway has been in operation for 110 years

It experienced the First World War, the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic, the Slovak state and the fall of communism. Operation on the narrow-gauge line between Trenčianská Teplá and Trenčianske Teplice has been operating for 110 years.

At the time of its creation, it was unique, which it remains to this day. It is the oldest public electric line in Slovakia. "The railway was put into operation on June 27, 1909. It was unique because it was electrified from the beginning, and in some villages they had no electricity until the 1950s," explains Dušan Nosál from the non-profit organization Trenčianska elektrická železnica (TREŽ).

The railway connected the transport hub in Trenčianske Teplice with the spa town of Trenčianske Teplice. It replaced horse-drawn carriages, which were too dusty and did not even have sufficient capacity. The tram immediately became a modern and luxurious mode of transport, which was used mainly by spa guests. At the same time, the line was also used for freight transport, they carried mail, coal, but also pastries on it. "She immediately had a chart that was very full. The Kaňová turnout was even set up, which has already been canceled and where trains met and ran opposite each other in the middle of the track, "added Nosál.

The turning point for the railway was the year 2011, when the railways canceled its regular operation due to losses. A year later, however, a group of enthusiasts got together, thanks to which you can take a ride on a historic train even today. "We tested the tourist potential of the railway. I admit that I didn't feel good about it in the past, but I was pleasantly surprised at how well this attraction finally caught on, "said Nosál.

The tram goes to the tracks during themed rides, ie on various holidays or important anniversaries. During the tourist season, it even runs regularly on weekends and holidays. Trenčín County contributes EUR 25,000 a year to its operation.

source: trezka.sk

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