Trencin region
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Light rain
Number of results: 842
Art point ends in the Baník cinema in Prievidza. The gallery where you had a coffee, which was open to various genres and which the metropolis of…
The city, where the regional landmark Trenčín Castle or the MA Bazovský Gallery are located, was shortlisted by an evaluation committee of experts…
On Thursday, January 28, 2021, the expert commission selected, on the basis of individual nominations, winners in 5 categories in the TOP…
Not only the two main spaces of the Miloš Alexander Bazovský Gallery (GMAB) exhibition in Trenčín underwent a change, but some of Bazovský's…
Recreational cycling has become increasingly popular in recent years. However, the area near the Slovak-Czech border in the Púchov district still…
On January 28, 2021, an expert jury composed of representatives of regional tourism organizations and the regional tourism organization (KOCR)…
While the first two months of 2020, attendance at the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín developed in line with the growing trend of previous years, the…
The atmosphere is important and it must have a soul. This is what Katarína Orthová, an energetic 47-year-old woman, the castellan of Čachtice Castle…
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