Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Trenčín were connected by a newly built cycle route. Trenčín County will officially hand it over to the public on the last Monday in June.
The ceremonial opening of the more than 21-kilometer section of the Vážská Cyklomagistrala will take place on Monday, June 28, 2021 at 10:00 am. The start of the joint trip is in Novo Mesto nad Váhom at the place where the first section of the Vážská cycle route was handed over to the cycling public 3 years ago - 48 ° 44'49.4 "N 17 ° 51'02.0" E. A cultural program is prepared for the public by the Children's Folklore Ensemble Čakanka. The starting point will also be lined with stations with competitive tasks focused on cycling or the environment. In one of them, the little ones can take a course on the right cyclist, after which they will receive a responsible cyclist's license from a member of the Police Force.
The peloton, headed by the mayor of Trenčín, Jaroslav Bašek, will set off on a joint cycle ride from Nové Mesto nad Váhom to the regional town of Trenčín.
The construction of the longest section of the 100-km-long cycling mill in Považie began in June 2020, and was financed from the funds of the Integrated Regional Operational Program and the Trenčín Self-Governing Region. There are three rest areas with shelters on the route, the added value is also the information panels, which bring closer the beauties of the Trenčín region and important information concerning the principles of behavior on the cycle route.
Source: Dept. communication and international relations of TSK
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