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The path to the ducats - learn about the history of 4 castles

King Sigismund, shortly after ascending the Hungarian throne, must save his wife Queen Mary from Croatian captivity. He entrusts the ransom to his faithful duke Stibor of Stiborice. You help Stibor too. Head to its four castles Uhrovec, Beckov, Čachtice and Plavecký hrad. Engrave Sigismund's ducats and free Queen Mary from captivity.

What is history talking about?

What will be your role?

It is simple. To help Stibor redeem Queen Mary from captivity, you will have to visit the four castellans of Beckov Castle, Čachtice, Uhrovec and Plavecký Castle. Each of them will give you or allow you to set out Sigismund's ducat. At each castle you get a coin with the same reverse but a different face. After collecting four coins, send us a photo of these coins with the obverse and your contact to the address: mince@hrad-beckov.sk . You can win one of the attractive prizes.

We will gradually publish the prices on the individual pages of the Beckov, Čachtice, Uhrovec and Plavecké Podhradie castles.

How much time will you have?

We will open the story "Journey to the Ducats" and the Journey to the Ducats together at Beckov Castle 5.6. at 14.00. You will have the whole summer to obtain the keys, and you will find out on October 2, when we will close the event, and whether you managed to correct the wrongdoing committed on Queen Mary.

And that is all?

Not by far. This season will be informative, fun and active. You can look forward to a number of attractive events at the four castles of Stibor from Stiborice (published on the castle website).

Travel and learn the history of our ancestors with us with an engaging story. We look forward to seeing you this season at Beckov, Čachtice, Plavecký hrad and Uhrovec castles.

In Trenčín 3.6.2021

Text: Beckov Castle

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