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Kids & Senior tour Trenčianske Teplice

As of April 8, 2021, you can also take part in an initiative that supports an active lifestyle called "Come on Hike 2021". Kids & Senior tour Trenčianske Teplice is the second in a series of events of the whole project for this year. The official start took place on June 1 and ends on September 30, 2021.

This is a lighter version of urban tourism, which is designed primarily for seniors and families with children. Even in this case, typical GPS markers will be available. Their visuals and colors accompany the project from the very beginning. In this case, the signs will be placed in places where the history of Trenčianske Teplice was formed and in tourist-attractive places.

Again, there will be 7 goals, on which, instead of the name of the prospect, the numbers will be from 1 to 7. According to the help in the prospectus, the goal is to find the places where the number tags will be located and fill in the correct number in the game coupon. The completed coupon can then be handed over to the event partners and the competition prospectus itself is also located there.

The draw for the winners in both categories will take place every month, so a total of 4 x 7 winners in each category will be drawn.

In Trenčín 7.6.2021

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