Tourism in Brezová pod Bradlom does not start and does not end only at the mound.
You should not miss the memory of Štefánik when visiting this picturesque locality, but there are other possibilities. A tourist cottage near the ski lift has been writing its history here for decades. So far, however, it has not been possible to give it the hallmark and use it deserves. At the time of the peak of the pandemic, the new owners decided to change it. The gastronomic establishment was opened at a time when only spending through the window was possible, in addition to a truncated menu. Nevertheless, visitors could enjoy craft beer, sausages or sourdough bread - salty and sweet. Everything from local suppliers. It was on this philosophy that they built their business. Since May, Chata pod Bradlom has been open all week. At the same time, everything is being prepared for the summer season, and if anti-pandemic measures allow it, you can sit not only on the terrace, but also indoors. The atmosphere of the cottage itself is a unique experience. Cycling clubhouse, history of the mound and the period of the thirties, personality and legacy of Štefánik. These are themed rooms that make the cottage a space for meeting and getting to know each other. And, of course, relaxation after hiking or biking trips around.
photo: FB Chata Bradlo
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