Trencin region
Discover all hidden treasures from different corners of our region.
Number of results: 837
On the occasion of the Slovak Cup in Road Cycling, the time period for cyclists of two youth categories was transferred by the historical center of…
The Regional Tourism Organization Trenčín Region is the main partner of the cycling project "Slovak Cup in Road Cycling", which will take place on…
Do you admire historic vehicles? On Saturday, June 11, 2016, the 10th anniversary of the "Veteran tour Manin 2016" event will take place in Povážie…
The graduation of a bilingual study at the Ludovita Štúra Grammar School in Trenčín was an opportunity for the French Ambassador to Slovakia to…
The last May and extraordinary sunny weekend went in cycling. On May 27th - 29th, the KEMA motorcycle club DEMA met hundreds of cycling enthusiasts…
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