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Representatives of the V4 Spa have met in Poland

With the financial support of the Small Grant of the Vyšehrad Fund, a study visit to the Polish spa town of Busko-Zdrój took place from 9 to 12 October 2016. Visitors were invited representatives of spa, local and regional authorities and representatives of the spa and health tourism of the Vyšehrad countries. One of the partners of the project is the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR), Trenčín Region, which together with representatives of Spa Trenčianske Teplice, as represented a meeting in the Trenčín region.


"The main idea of ​​the Visegrad in SPA project was to create cooperation and partnership between the spa regions of Vyšehradská Four (V4), thus supporting the development of spa and health tourism," said Kama Kepczynska-Kalet, a study visit coordinator .


The original purpose of the meeting was to build a strategy and a specific offer targeting the US market, based on the mutual exchange of experience of the individual participants and using common procedures. From this original intention, lecturer Laszlo Puczko dropped out after a lecture led by a lecturer. The lecturer of the Metropolitan University in Budapest during the lecture explained the main problems of professional terminology and its perception on the American market. He has also approached the expectations of American spa clients, who in most cases do not agree with our understanding of health and spa tourism. He also pointed to the notable differences in the mentality, thinking and habits of the US population, which must be taken into account when creating the offer. Based on this new knowledge, the conference participants concluded that it would be more beneficial for all participating countries to focus their joint offer on European countries. They also agreed to co-operate on bidding as well as future mutual visits to the conference in each of the participating countries.


A visit to the spa town of Busko-Zdój included, besides the specialist lecture by a Hungarian expert, presentations of individual representatives and expert discussions as well as visits to local baths. Participants visited healing homes, rehabilitation centers and modern spa hotels not only in Busko-Zdrój, but also in the nearby Solec-Zdrój baths. Delegations from participating countries have been able to view spa expertise, learn more about the treatment and rehabilitation techniques used, and also exchange experiences with the professional staff attended by the centers. As part of a professional excursion, there was also a visit to the sanatorium called Wlokniarz, which has the status of a hospital as the only one of the local baths.


"For me, as a spa doctor, it was interesting and helpful to see the equipment of our neighbors' spa. I appreciate the possibility to compare the level of the equipment of the spa facilities as well as the opportunity to discuss with other experts about the possibilities of treatment of individual physical illnesses with balneotherapy ", he told MUDr. Pavol Gútik.


Throughout the stay, a rich program was presented for the group of visitors besides the professional part of the visit, which presented the Polish culture and the hospitality of the organizers. Gregory Orawiec , Director of the Regional Policy Department of the World Region of the World Region, welcomed Wojciech Legawiec , President of World Region Spa Cluster, and Chief Executive Officer of Krystyna Grzegorz Gałuszek Rehabilitation Center. For the Trenčiansky Region, Jan Kazaik and Pavol Gútik from Kúpele Trenčianske Teplice and Petra Slabá from KOCR Trenčín Region participated.

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