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A new educational walkway on the Upper Povi

Natural monuments in the cadastral area of ​​Upper Moštenc - Small and Big Dark Cave enjoy a lot of visitors. However, there is a lack of information that would allow tourists to learn more about this unique quest. Regional Tourism Organization (OOCR) The Horné Považie Region, which is a founding member of the regional tourism organization Trenčín Region, is coming up with an interesting project "For the Knowledge of Dark Caves".

OOCR The Upper Považie Region plans to build an educational walkway about 2 kilometers. Two caves - the Small and Great Závadská (Dark) Cave - should be at stake. The significance and justification of the project is now exacerbating the planned public access to these caves. In a similar case, the Šarkania Caves are located in the National Nature Reserve called Súľovské skaly and Spring Dúpna Cave in the protected landscape area of ​​Strážovské vrchy, to which the educational walkway leads. It was built by volunteer cavemen from the Strážovské vrchy Jaskyniarskeho klubu of the Slovak Speleological Society, who also took part in the planned project "For the Knowledge of the Dark Caves". Apart from the Regional Tourism Organization Horné Považie. Volunteer caves and the Považská Bystrica area, the local inhabitants, Urbarialisti Horný Moštenec and Stredná odborná škola v Považskej Bystrici will voluntarily participate in the adaptation of the educational path.

Building an educational walkway should help to make caves easier to access, as well as an enriched experience of their visit. " Besides marking the route to caves, our intention is to make it easier to access and to provide information via information boards ," said Michael Hulková of the OOCR Horné Považie Region. She also added that information boards, as well as wooden benches, seating or rods, will be made by pupils from the Secondary Technical School in Považská Bystrica. Upon completion of the walkway, visitors will have the opportunity to gain new knowledge of the history and current status of the caves, familiarize themselves with the natural environment in which the caves are located. Assembled boards will also inform you about the various tourist attractions in the area.

In order to obtain funding for the educational walkway, the Regional Tourism Organization of the Horné Považie Region has included this project in the public service program "SPPoločne". The program from the workshop of the Slovak Gas Industry (SPP) and the SPP Foundation is based on addressing help to various communities in all regions of Slovakia. The project "For the Knowledge of Dark Caves" can be supported by the public by 3.10.2016 at the website:


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