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Trenčiansky hrad dominated the spirit of the Slovak Presidency in the Council of the EU

The first autumn day was celebrated at the Trenčín Castle by the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) The Trenčín Region, in cooperation with the Central School of Arts (Trenčín) and Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj (TSK), prepared a multi-genre event "eSKaEÚ smile together" for secondary school students.

High school students in the founding area of ​​the Trenčín Self-Governing Region could gain new knowledge on the goals and priorities of Slovakia as the Presidency country and the significance of the European Union's tasks on Thursday 22 September 2016. The event was opened by the Director of the TSK Office and the chairman of KOCR Trenčín Region Juraj Gerlici and the Executive Director of KOCR Trenčín Region Eva Frývaldská . In the edu - cational part of the program of pedagogues at Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubcek in Trenčín, through interactive lectures, the high - school graduates approached the functioning and the essence of the European Union. Presentation in English of young students was taken by a pedagogue from the University of Management / City University in Trenčín.

The first part of the rich program was played in the castle barracks. Cold walls have come to life with colorful flying balloons and the young generation's interest in the presidency of the Council of the EU. In addition to eye-catching presentations, a knowledge contest was prepared from the workshop of the EU Europe Direct Trenčín , winning valuable prizes. The students could also attend the presentation materials of the KOCR Trenčín region or embody a memorial to the event through a photo wall with a historical motif.

On the first floor of the barracks, an exhibition of clothes from the workshop of SUŠ Trenčín was found, as well as the work of the author SK PRES 2016 Jakub Dušička . The graduate of the Central Art School in Trenčín and the current student of the sixth year of the Academy of Fine Arts presented the individual variants of the logo and its preparation in person in the final lecture. " From the very beginning, I planned to work with the Slovak language, I decided to use diacritical marks, of course there were other versions of the logo, which I chose to visualize the business card, and after a number of consultations there was a final logo," added Dušička. " Since our pupils have learned that the winner of the Slovak Presidency's logo to the EU Council is our former graduate, the popularity of this topic and the issue among young people has also increased" , Ivan Štefka , director of SUŠ Trenčín, said.

In the afternoon, the courtyard courtyard included musical performances and a fashion show. On the stage in the amphitheater of the students of the Central Art School presented 30 models with Slovak motifs. As part of the cultural program, a knowledge contest was held on stage, where high school students could join on the facebook from September 1, 2016. The entertainment was played by the WEBERS duo with well-known hits and own productions. During the second block of the program in the courtyard of the castle thanks to the hands of the students of SUŠ Trenčín, the SK PRES logo was created from the color stones in the size of 5 x 7 meters in the style of creative art land art . The golden wedge of the multi-genre event was the performance of Billy Barman , who closed the sunny day at Trenčín Castle. " Our goal as the main organizer of the project was to bring to young people the importance of the presidency of Slovakia in the Council of the EU and the importance of our country's membership in the European Union. Students were given an opportunity to learn new information about the EU mission in an interactive way and to spend pleasant moments in the Trenčín castle" Event Executive Director KOCR Trenčín region Eva Frývaldská .

The "eSKaEU Smiles" event took place under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic from the grant system for projects promoting the Slovak Presidency in the EU Council. Partners of the project were: Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne, Vysoká škola manažmentu / City University v Trenčíne, Stredná odborná škola obchodu a služieb v Trenčíne a Informačné centrum o EU Europe Direct Trenčín.

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