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Divo Doctor - Fraňa Madva

On the occasion of the 230th anniversary of the birth of a prominent healer, priest, botanist, native and native - Fraňa Madvu - organized a seminar on Thursday, October 6, 2016, about the importance of this famous native of Upper Nitra, the Regional Tourism Organization of HORNÁ NITRA-BOJNICE (OOCR RHNB).


The acts and deeds of Fraňa Madvuna, who was considered the greatest healer in Austria-Hungary in the 19th century, are chopping up many legends of confusion. The aim of lectures was to refute legends and unverified information and to provide participants with facts based on historical documents and archival research. This role was taken by historian Branislav Geschwandtner of the Upper Hornonitrian Museum in Prievidza and Imrich Grušpier, author of a new publication on the life and activities of Fraňa Madva - The Source of Wonders . Peter Antol, President of the Club of Slovak Tourists (KST) Rokos Nitrianske Sučany and Jozef Hanak , Chairman of the KST Otlak Nitrianske Rudno, took the professional lectures on Madvu. The representatives of the tourist clubs have approached the activities they carry out to maintain awareness of a prominent native and to exploit the potential of this historical personality to develop tourism. .

Who was Fraňa Madva

Representative of the Upper Museum Branislav Geschwandtner extended the knowledge about the studies, activities, professions and abilities of Fraňa Madva. His attention was particularly attracted to Madva's healing abilities, which he became famous throughout Austria-Hungary. He noted that Madva had an extraordinary talent in diagnosis, which he then treated with medication according to his own prescriptions. Imrich Grušpier, was particularly interested in learning about the miraculous healer's research and writing. It also focused on refuting ungrounded myths and clarifying the contribution of the treatment methods of Fraňa Madva. " In almost all historical records, the name of Madonna was associated with the miraculous" miraculous "or" miraculous "attribute that he gained with his healing abilities ," the author of the book, The Source of Life, said in a 116-page publication in which Imrich Gruspier presents his research To Fraňa Madv, he was celebrated ceremoniously during the seminar and sanctified by the local priest.

Fraňa Madva and tourism

By organizing the seminar program and the combination of lectures, the organizers wished to point out the link between the legacy of the famous historical personality and the development of tourism in the region. "The purpose of our organization is to exploit the strong potential of this theme, to bring together the historical personality that lived in our region and the natural environment that was also decisive for the work of František Madva. In this case, we offered an excellent symbiosis, " said Jozef Holička , Chairman of the Board of Directors of OOCR RHNB.

After learning the theoretical knowledge, the program continued with the launching of a new publication - Tourist Guide to the Upper Nitra - Bojnice Region from the OOCR HORNÁ NITRA-BOJNICE Region, compiled by Sylvia Maliariková. The first parents of the publication were the Executive Director of the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín region Eva Frývaldská and the Chairman of the Association of Towns and Municipalities of the Upper Nitra, Mayor of Kocurany, Vojtech Čičmanec. The fervent parents of the book have succumbed to success and wide use in practice.  

"During the seminar that OOCR HORNA NITRA-BOJNICE dedicated to the important historical personality of our region to Fraňa Madva, we combined two great themes. We have united history with nature and, at the same time, we have taken this excellent opportunity to bring to life a brand new publication that will be a tool for visitors as well as for guides. We have asked for the introduction of this publication into representatives of two organizations that we feel from the very beginning as our partners and the greatest support " Said OOCR HORNÁ NITRA-BOJNICE Executive Director Sylvia Maliariková.

The all-day event program, dedicated to Fraňa Madv, continued at the key places connected with the life of this important personality. The monument of Fraňa Madvu was celebrated by all participants, together with the director of the House of Matice Slovak in Prievidza, Vlastimil Uhler at the local church and monument. Subsequently, the participants visited the house in which Madva lived the last years of his life, as well as his last resting place in Nitrianske Sučany.

The nurse

Fraňo Madva, during his priestly work in the village of Nitrianske Rudno, met with prominent figures of the time, With John Holly, Ondrej Hodz, Cibor Zoch, Ján Francisci Rimavsky or Ľudovít Štúrom. At the meeting with the latter, Madva said: " We both treat our nation. I physically, you mental . "

The significant contribution of Fraňa Madva in the field of healing, diagnostics and herbalism has been bent several times during the seminar. Participants jointly wished the importance of such natives to be remembered and spread to future generations.


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