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This year's Zonta Mountains believe that barriers exist only in the human mind.

This year's Zonta Mountains believe that barriers exist only in the human mind. Among the guests are also three handicapped athletes who love adrenaline.

In addition, the 11th edition of the Mountain Appeal Film Festival brings again a non-traditional ingredient - removing barriers to human thinking. One of the largest film festivals in Slovakia this year also financially supported the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj from its subsidy system.

Bekim Aziri is 27 years old. He comes from Pezinka, half of his life spent on a wheelchair. Nevertheless, he has already tried a tandem jump from a four-kilometer-high aircraft, and he has been bumping for a rogale flight, and with the help of his friends, he jumped and swam in the lake. "The man who enjoys the whole of Slovakia today with his Stand Up comedy called" Sit down tragedy "is going to infect our spectators' festival with his positive approach to life," says Marek Dutková, director of the event, at an atypical guest. Aziri will be presented to the Trenčín audience in the section Arts and Sports in the Life of Physically Disabled. This section first appeared on Mount Zonto three years ago. "We want to point to people who, despite their handicap, can perform admirable performances in the field of sports in nature," explains Dutková's intention.

In a special block, the word will also belong to Martin Dait. This one represents Slovakia in wheelchair dancing, but it will not dance to Mountain Zontoch. The speech will be about his adrenaline activities. Dait has tried paragliding, a free fall simulator, diving and off-road bugging and other machines. The section, which will be held thanks to the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, also includes exhibitions of photographs, art contests, creative workshops and experience workshops. The main program of the section will be held on Saturday, November 12th, at the premises of the train club of Lúč. The eleventh edition of the event moves from the ODA Crew Club to Club Lúč and Cinema Hviezda. Even this year, there will be no extraordinary guests, movies full of electrifying experiences from professional and amateur creators, or competition for the best non-professional film of the festival.

Source: Barbora Prekopová / PR MountainsZonty

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