The third edition of the Door Open Days (DOD) at the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj (TSK) was carried out in green - in the spirit of the idea of environmental protection and the project called "Green County".
On Monday, October 3, 2016, TSK's doors opened again to the public. In addition to looking at the Office premises and learning about the activities and competencies of individual departments and departments, visitors have the opportunity to attend a number of accompanying events and enjoy a prepared cultural program.
A rich program included a presentation of the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín Region. The regional organization, which was established last year to support tourism in the Trenčín region, has prepared information for visitors about the possibilities of leisure and travel in the region. They did not miss presentations of the currently implemented projects such as the " Trenčiansky kraj through the lens " photo contest or the " Šturizmus " geocaching game. Competitive holiday enthusiasts could test their knowledge of the region in a short quiz. The reward for the correct answer to the questions were small gifts and promotional items, which, besides KOCR Trenčín, was also devoted to the Slovak Tourism Agency .
According to the words of the chairman of the regional tourism organization Juraj Gerlici , KOCR Trenčín region is really involved in environmental projects of the Green County. "We are currently cooperating on the design of bus connections with cycling routes that should be transported by cyclists to the tourist attractions of the Trenčín Region from next year ," Gerlici said. As stated, the participation of KOCR Trenčín Region on TSK Open Door Days was a great opportunity to bring together the activities of the general public and to promote current projects and competitions.
The TSK Open Days and the Green County theme were taken by all ages. An important part of the program was the presentation of organizations in the founding jurisdiction of TSK. High school students have demonstrated their skills in many areas. From beautifying procedures through first aid to preparation of snacks in the form of green cakes and fresh juices. Hospitals provided advice on healthy nutrition , tested blood groups, and diagnosed how many bacteria were on the mobile. Culture was brought to the program by the MA Bazovský Gallery in Trenčín with the project " Majsterko Galerko " and the competition " Selfie with Bazovský". Visitors could not only see, but also buy some of the products of the clients of social care facilities, which also presented their activities at the event. Within the environmental theme of Green County, the Transport Department for DOD participants has prepared an opportunity to try a car or electric bicycle ride. The importance of adhering to road safety managed by TSK, Also declared a crash simulator in a traffic accident, in which visitors verified the necessity to use safety belts. The DOD also included expert lectures on the environment and the presentation of biking routes. She did not interfere with the talk and signing with the footballers of the successful club AS Trenčín , with whom the fans of this "green" sport could take a picture at the photo-hall.
The real steps of the Trenčín County aimed at protecting and improving the environment of the inhabitants of the Trenčín region symbolically declared the trenchian bathrobe Jaroslav Baška by planting a conifer in the area before the TSK Office. All interested DOD visitors could also contribute to the environmental enrichment, who received a green surprise gift box as a gift - peas or edible seeds that could be planted on site in a prepared garden.
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