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Battle Book - Treasure of the Cross

Traditional Culture Center at Myjave is focused on traditional culture and heritage in the Myjavian region. It also includes preserving the values ​​of the general public, including the local dialect.

It is the "spice" of common speech speech, by the diversification of the unified literary language. He does not need to be embarrassed and perceived as inappropriate or inappropriate, which is used only by ordinary people from the lower strata. The local dialect is a cradle of hard and dry Slovak language, which the writer's language is afraid of "as a devil's holy water". It must be read hard, with ypsilon and not soaked.

Workers from the Center have been able to find an unpublished collection - The Battle Book by Elizabeth Krásná z Priepasného . It is the result of a long-term collection of material, memories from 1980 to the present. It contains over 400 entries, stories called colloquially. Some may range around the year 1900, the tellers - informants remember them from talking to their old parents.

Elizabeth Krasna began collecting the material of the garment behind the door of her kitchen in the family house in Priepasnom, so no one would see her: "When more guys met, they talked everywhere. They remembered the old days, each one remembering the old parents. What they told them or what they heard somewhere else. At weddings, piglets, or what old mums remembered in all sorts of robots. There was one who had a very good memory. He has always begun: Well, he has taunted you with a little bit of a scarf, which I read from the old squeak of Richtari, " says Alžbet Krásna .

The Center of Traditional Culture, thanks to the Battice Book, decided to publish a CD with recordings of the memoir from the village of Priepasné, and also the publication of a book publication.

Author: Lucia Grznárová

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