welcomein Trenčín Region

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from different corners of our region.



Light rain

Number of results: 798

Pominovec - Romanesque church

Traveling along the road between Nemšová and Pruský, behind the village of Slávnica on the right side, the silhouette of a small church emerges,…

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Based on the extraordinary situation and the declaration of the Central Crisis Staff of the Slovak Republic dated 12 March 2020 on the closure of…

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Selection procedure for the position of Executive Director

. . . . Trenčín region. regional tourism organization. announces a tender. to fill a job position:. Executive Director. . . . Conditions for…

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Selection procedure for the position of President

. . . . Trenčín region. regional tourism organization. announces a tender. to fill a job position:. The President. . . Conditions for selecting…

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Residents of the region again visited the Teplice pools as part of the popular event "Spa in the region"

For the eighth time, the Trenčianske Teplice Spa evaluated the success of the popular "Spa in the Region" project, in which residents of the Trenčín…

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High school students from Nové Mesto nad Váhom won first place in the TOP tourist destination competition

In November 2019, the Secondary Vocational School of Trade and Services in Nové mesto nad Váhom won first place in a competition announced by the…

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A valley full of many jokes. However, her real face hides much more. In each period , the surrounding nature attracts with something else. In winter…

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Beckov Castle will be full of activities in 2020

Every year, castles in the Trenčín region prepare an up-to-date program for their visitors, which includes popular and recurring events, exhibitions…

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