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Bata is not just shoes

The Regional Tourism Organization Trenčín Region has become a cross-border partner of the Central Moravian Tourist Board in a project entitled "The Baťa Phenomenon and its Cultural and Historical Legacy, or Baťa is Not Just Shoes".

The icon of the footwear industry, known not only in the Czech Republic but also in the world, has created a legacy that needs to be maintained. This is one of the most famous brands of its time - Baťa. The family, led by Tomáš Baťa, took care of the economic and technological expansion of East Moravia, led their steps to the territory of the Trenčín Region. In addition to large complexes of production, trade, transport and finance, it has signed up for the development of culture. In order to inform and acquaint the public about the places that are connected with the Baťa family, an international project "The Baťa Phenomenon and its Cultural and Historical Legacy, or Baťa is Not Just Shoes" was created. The regional tourism organization Trenčín region cooperates with the East Moravia Tourist Board on project activities.

The main goal of the project is to acquaint the inhabitants and visitors of the neighboring regions about interesting places connected with an important family of Czech-Slovak history - the Baťa family, as well as their cultural and historical heritage through sustainable tourism. The intention is to motivate people to visit and explore interesting places, which would result in a deepening of interest in a common history.

The planned activities of the project, ie the creation of promotional publications and the subsequent promotion of selected localities, will not only increase the attractiveness of the border area, but will also increase awareness of well-known and lesser-known natural and cultural goals associated with the topic.

The implementation of the project will create a sustainable tourism product, increasing the attractiveness of the natural and cultural heritage of the eligible areas. Both partners will bring professional experience and knowledge to the project. All activities follow each other and complement each other. Both partners are involved in the implementation of activities. Project activities are divided as follows:

Analysis of the territory and creation of a database of towns connected with the Baťa family - it is assumed that at least 20 towns will be met that will meet the condition - connection with the Baťa family. It will involve the analysis of the territory, data collection and the creation of a database of these cities. The activity will serve as a basis for creating a product in the form of promotional printed matter. The suitability of the print format selection will come from the final number of selected locations.

Creation of promotional material - printed promotional material was issued in the number of 10,000 pieces, which serves as a guide to well-known and lesser-known places associated with the legacy of Tomáš Baťa. The promotional material connects the places and attracts visitors to these sites, as well as to learn about the cultural and historical heritage. The printed matter was distributed to information centers in both regions and to facilities, cities or localities that are the output of the analysis.

Marketing campaign - to support the increase in attractiveness, a marketing campaign will be implemented, the aim of which will be to present the cultural and historical legacy of "batism" with an emphasis on goals related to the Baťa family. The campaign should consist mainly of advertising in the media and PR articles. The online campaign should be represented by banner advertising and PR articles in online media or a Facebook campaign.

During the implementation of the project, public procurement is planned on the part of the leading partner of the project (Central Tourism Center of East Moravia, ops), which will be implemented in accordance with Act no. 134/2016 Coll. on public procurement as amended and the conditions of the Small Projects Fund. Specifically, the order will be realized: Creation of a product in the form of promotional printed matter.

- Project implementation schedule: 1 September 2020 - 30 June 2021

- Amount of financial support from the European Regional Development Fund: EUR 22 115.40

- Amount from EU resources (ERDF): EUR 18 798.09 (85%)

- Amount of the applicant's financial contribution: EUR 3 317.31 (15%)

You can download the publication "Bata is not just shoes" HERE

Details and more information about the project can be found HERE .

The following documents are available for viewing:

- the analysis which preceded the production and content of the publication,

- the results of a marketing campaign carried out to raise awareness of the historical legacy of "batism".


Marketingová kampaň_Fenomén Baťa
Analýza_Fenomén Baťa

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