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Mr. Cook

From time to time, love goes through the stomach, but in recent years gastronomy has become a real fashion hit. He is experiencing the Renaissance. You'll find cooking programs on almost every TV station. But real masters are also in this industry as saffron. One of those who belong to the Slovak culinary peak is undoubtedly Marián Filo, owner of the restaurant in Čereňany, which is located in a refurbished mansion. The door here is open to everyone - smotanka, political leaders and ordinary people.

When the first fast food came to Slovakia a few years ago, they immediately became a huge hit. Eaten fries, burgers, kebabs were easily accessible and cheap. Fast and, let's say flat, not very healthy snacks, is gradually replacing another kitchen. Slovaks are giving more and more priority to quality, fresh ingredients and healthy cooking. Marián Filo has moved a healthy kitchen to a higher level - dining in his restaurant is a gastronomic experience for all senses.

If you're good, I'll find you

A small village in the district of Prievidza is now known by many. Čereňany has been famous for master cook Fila not only in Slovakia, but beyond the borders. "When you get to the top, it's important not only to keep your standard, but keep moving it further. Every year you have to invent something new to be exceptional to be different from other restaurants in Slovakia. If you are good, you can be sewn in a small village like Cerenany, and people will come to you. If you're average, no one will travel hundreds of miles behind you, "Filo thinks.

Cooking is one thing, the other is the ability to turn around in gastrobiznis. Many well-known chefs have given up their culinary talent over time. Marián Filo has been able to keep on the market for more than 20 years. "I think there is healthy competition in Slovakia. Especially in Bratislava there are very good restaurants. But this business is often a tiny thing - putting off the coat, moving the chair, and, of course, importantly good service, "explains the chef, who recruits the staff and considers him the best in Slovakia. "I am the one who supervises daily food quality and staff. When I'm not here, I'm closing the manor house. An exception is Sunday, when I'm giving a family. They have not even made money to give priority to work. "

He will also come in tracksuits

You can meet famous people in his restaurant, but regular people will also be there. "If anyone thinks that only celebrities, actors, government officials and deputies are here, it's a big mistake. People from the village will come and join us, I will invite family, friends and co-workers. We do not think we're fancy. People are coming in tracksuits and asking if they can sit. I figure it out: why they can not, because we're a normal restaurant, "says Filo.

In Cerenany, you will experience the opposite of fastfood - slowfood. Lunch or even dinner can take hours. Each of them is a gastronomic experience - whether it's a tartar of salmon with flambé shrimp and herb toast, fed gooseberry with fowl or trout with home-made caviar filled egg. Marián Filo says that the quality of the individual raw materials is decisive. Their choice is extremely important. For example, the meat she serves comes from his breeding. "I have my cattle, pigs, lambs, and now it's about something else. I know what I offer to people. I know where the meat comes from, what the animal was kept from. It's a big difference compared to what I get in hypermarkets, "he added.

Divina on the tree

With quality raw materials, the chef can give enough space to his fantasy. But not only the food served by the chef from Cherenian is what he is grateful for his standing clientele. Depending on communication. He greets guests, he is sincerely interested in whether he likes them, and he moves a good response from the kitchen staff. At the same time it shows that culinary industry can be a show. What we would not rather enjoy at home is Marián Filo with absolute ease and self-confidence. When serving meals directly in front of guests, he fully performs his art - flambers, baking, finishing. Divine, for example, gives a piece of tree on which it gently slices it with plum brandy. The food itself is then served on the hot stones that are still in demand.

To work out among the Slovak chef's elite is drine. Marian Filo, according to his words, professionally helped also to travel in the past outside Slovakia. Unlike many successful Slovaks, however, he decided to return. The same is recommended for anyone who chooses to run their own business. "It is good when a person leaves. Many things will make him realize, he will gain experience. But it is very important to come back. I've been out for three years, there I have understood what responsibility, respect for the people. That's what I brought with me, "he said.

Applause from both the President and the Queen

The famous chef has cooked with his team for a number of well-known personalities - foreign presidents and kings have already tasted how to cook in Cerenany. One of them was the Dutch sovereign Beatrix, who visited Slovakia ten years ago. The food that served him was created by the chef specially for this occasion. The evening itself was preceded by several-year training, which included testing of individual walks, assignment of tasks and the purchase of quality raw materials. The menu had four different versions, the winners brewed directly in the presidential palace. Significant guests first enjoyed their duck breasts with orange juice, fresh herbs and light salads. In addition, chicken bags were filled with ham mushrooms, roasted avocados and almond purée, and beef fillet of wild candy with wild potatoes filled with potatoes. He did not even dessert - a chocolate basket full of caramelized strawberries.

By the way, this evening did not leave without the proper response. Majstra Fila and his team gave President Ivan Gašparovič a call to the hall during the dessert. When they stood up in front of the guests, they rewarded them for a great job of applause, while the Dutch Queen was laughing. In the Presidential Palace, such a gesture is not commonplace - according to Phil, something similar happened only twice.

Dessert on the beads!

Even when looking at the current restaurant menu, it is clear that you can forget about classic meals at Cerenany. Although it does not include bryndza halušky, you can get them on the plate with partisan steak and crunchy onion. The latest novelty that Filo tries to distinguish from other restaurants is a special dessert. Nowhere else in Slovakia can you get him out of the way. "All of my cook's staff comes to the guests, and everything serves them on the outfit. We have more species there, so you have desserts, fruit, ice cream right on the table, "he said. "We called it a Painted dessert on the ground. It's also visually interesting, so I guarantee that anyone who orders this will experience something extraordinary, "he concluded.

Author: baš

Who is Marián Filo?

He was born in 1966 in Český Těšín. He was trained in the craft craft at a secondary vocational school. After school, he gained experience in several restaurants. He worked for the chef at a hotel in Bodensee, Germany, where he worked for three years. He decided to return to Slovakia and in 1994 he opened the Aphrodite restaurant in Partizánsky. He started to work, people took original kitchen and services. With his wife he bought a departed manor house in Čereňany, reconstructed it and in 2005 he moved his restaurant here. She has won several prestigious awards - including a gold fork from the gourmet gourmet guide in Slovakia. Since 2002 it has been one of the top restaurants in our ranks.

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