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heavy rain

Recipe: Shella or procession

You may not have known that this popular and well-known soup came from around Ilava. Due to its satiety, many families wave it instead of the main meal. Try cooking a homemade shaker that will easily feed 4 hungry people.


Sauerkraut 400 g, dry beans 150 g, smoked meat 400 g, potatoes 150 g, onion 150 g, lard 150 g, ground red pepper 1/4 P ", plain flour 200 g, garlic 70 g.


Let the sauerkraut cook in a separate pot, cook until soft. Let the smoked meat with beans cook in the second pot. When the beans are soft, add peeled and diced potatoes. Prepare a saucepan - put a finely chopped onion on the ointment, fry, add plain flour and red ground pepper. Add the cooked cabbage to the cooked beans, cut the meat into cubes and add the sauce. Cook together for a while, season with garlic. We can use 2 dl of cream for softening. Serve with bread. Potatoes should not be cooked together with sauerkraut, otherwise they cook for a long time, respectively. remain hard.

We wish you good taste!

The recipe book was prepared by TSK in cooperation with the Secondary Vocational School of Trade and Services in Púchov.

Photo: Radovan Stoklasa

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