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Number of results: 108



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Birthplace of Ľ. Štúra and A. Dubček-icon

Birthplace of Ľ. Štúra and A. Dubček


Koliba slovenských velikánov . Unpredictable ways of fate or strange coincidence (?) Stood behind the fact that two national giants Stur and…

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Klobušický manor house-icon

Klobušický manor house


You must look for the manor house in Klobušice today in the city of Alava. This national cultural monument dates back to the 1840s, when the manor…

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Kostice in Kočovce-icon

Kostice in Kočovce


Concert in the arms of romance . Also in the village of Kočovce, near the Nové Mesto nad Váhom, there is a romantic three-winged wardrobe…

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Trenčianske osvetové stredisko v Trenčíne-icon

Trenčianske osvetové stredisko v Trenčíne


The city of Trenčín takes care of the cultural education of its citizens. In the premises of the Trenčín Educational Center, visitors can experience…

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Gallery of Miloš Alexandr Bazovský in Trenčín-icon

Gallery of Miloš Alexandr Bazovský in Trenčín


The trail of Miloš Alexandr Bazovský, an important personality of art modernism, was immersed in the trenčian cultural life. The artist has survived…

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Regional Cultural Center in Prievidza-icon

Regional Cultural Center in Prievidza


Sometimes enough is enough to make a man a great artist. Many children's creative souls who spent every free time in the cultural center of…

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Trenčianska synagóga-icon

Trenčianska synagóga


A piece of Oriental orientation . The majestic Nutrition Synagogue was built in the northern corner of the city square in Trenčín, the beginning of…

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