The city of Trenčín takes care of the cultural education of its citizens. In the premises of the Trenčín Educational Center, visitors can experience accumulated experiences from various corners of Slovak culture. They deny the traditions and recognize new art.
In addition to its classic services and activities, the Center publishes the Cultural Spectrum magazine, which presents itself as a periodical information service on current issues in the theory and practice of cultural and educational work. It strengthens awareness of local culture on its site. Various forms of culture can be found on a wide range of events organized by the Center on a regular basis.
Inspire with the program
The center is also an expert-consulting, educational and information-documentary center. It organizes creative activities from different areas of culture and art. It promotes and strengthens its advertising activities independently. That's why information about upcoming events or competitions is readily available. You can easily find them directly on the Center's website. From several different events in each month, everyone will definitely choose theirs. Visit the premises of the cultural center, expand cultural horizons and enjoy yourself.
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Žaneta Matúšová
K dolnej stanici 7282/20A
911 01 Trenčín