Welcome Gazdovský dvůr in Turej Lúke




Gazdovský dvůr in Turej Lúke

Category: Monuments

Myjava, Slovensko

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Unforgettable coffin

If you want to experience something extraordinary in the wanderings of Slovakia, visit the live skanzenkopaniářského life!

Gazdovský dvůr is located in the Myjava suburban part of Turá Lúka near the church. Myjavsko kopanice or Myjavská slivovica - these are the terms known throughout Slovakia. Nonie a lot of Slovaks have an idea of ​​real, traditional Myannian copanism. This courtyard is a permanent exhibition of the Kopanic settlement, but not a rigid exposition, rather it is a living open-air museum, where the visitor is a direct participant in the common life of Myjav's homeland from the early 20th century.

Together with the local gazdom and the hut, the farm animals - horses, goats, hens, rabbits - can taste traditional dishes or possibly a dandelion from the saliva slivák, can try folk costume. You can not miss the sightseeing of the original historic building of the house. Ajdvor has something to offer: there are a number of different work tools, chairs, wagons, rajtár, mower, handkerchief, hammer and haymaker and all the more. In addition to traditional hiking tours in the gazebo court are organized various events such as "Udupávaniehumna", "Easter Chibka" , "Drápačky", "Dožinky" or the popular "Day slivák" with a wide range of regional specialties.

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Address Turá Lúka 119
907 03 Myjava

30. 01. 2025 14:00 - 16. 03. 2025 18:30

, Slovensko


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