welcomein Trenčín Region

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from different corners of our region.




You can listen to the history in 5 languages

In November 2018, the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín Region presented for the first time 10 audio recordings, which it placed on the website www.trencinregion.sk . Based on them, unique tables with a QR code were created, thanks to which you can immediately listen to the history of most castles in the Trenčín region. A novelty is the creation of audio recordings in four other languages. Currently available in Slovak, English, German, Polish and Hungarian.

The tables with the QR code were created in order to offer a brief history to tourists, always in a visible place in the area of the historical monument accessible to all. Audio recordings, as well as spreadsheets, are a great alternative for the visually impaired, who find it difficult to access content through classic text.

" Since the creation of audio recordings, we regularly receive excellent feedback from tourists and visitors to our website. Due to the fact that the Trenčín region is also visited by many foreign tourists, we decided to translate the texts and have them spoken in another 4 languages. These will also gradually become part of the tables with QR codes. Until then, however, they will be accessible at least on the trencinregion.sk website. A year after their location, we can say that Uhrovec Castle and MR Štefánik's Mound in Brezová pod Bradlom have the most hearings, where almost 500 visitors downloaded the recording, “ explained Eva Frývaldská, Executive Director of KOCR Trenčín Region.

The recordings together in 5 languages speak of castles in Beckov, Čachtice, Uhrovec, Lednice, Bystrica, then about Trenčín Castle, Bojnice Castle, but also about the observatory in Partizánské, Skalka nad Váhom or the MR Štefánik Mound in Brezová pod Bradlom.

In Trenčín, 17.7.2020

Text: MT

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