Easter has many attributes, legends, or folk wisdom in it. Every corner of Slovakia has a distinctive charm. It is undoubtedly the most important Christian holiday where everything was important in nine days: Sunday, Blue Monday, Holy Tuesday, Škoda Wednesday, Green Thursday, Great Friday, White Saturday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday.
Easter, that's the spring celebration, the time when I think it's supposed to get up early in the morning, wash the dew, so we're not sick ... The time the girls drank the cottages around the wilderness to have a lot of bastards. And, on the contrary, the boys gave the girls ants in the bed to say they were not lazy. What has all this holiday been accompanied in the Trencin region and what has been preserved to this day?
Kyselica or Morenica
The Easter period began in the traditional folk calendar, beginning 14 days before Easter, on Death Sunday. The youth then carried out the personification of the winter Morena out of the village. Girls made a figurine of straw and handier, dressed her and accompanied the village. At the end, they blew it off and somewhere in the "clothes" they threw into the creek. In Kálnica they recorded this custom in the first quarter of the 19th century. Myjava also used the name Kyselica, in the villages of Uhrovska valley, Morenica. There were crosses in the church and they were until the Great Friday.
The Sunday sun was the week before Easter. In the church they read, somewhere also sang pales - the Gospel states about the martyrdom of Christ. Shrubs were also shrouded as the symbol of the glorious coming of Jesus to Jerusalem. At home they stopped behind the paintings or behind the castle to protect the household. In the storm they were burned during the year to prevent the light from falling into the house. In the afternoon, younger girls went to sing under the "new summer" windows. Ribbons decorated the cobblestones and carried cups of cooked eggs stained with onions. In Selce, they sang:
"New summer is coming, enjoy people.
The people rejoice,
I saddled the rose, the pot of the Selska tower,
I did not want to riches, besides Boš
Haj-haj-haj, mr bapko, vajko daj,
It's just an egg because that's it
little one. "
Instead of rappers bells
Květná neděľa was not working and in Trenčín's surroundings was the idea that whipper pistols would destroy the fruit harvest in the distance to where to hear the blowing of the pistol. Easter Holidays culminated during the Great Week, sometimes also called the Passion. On Green Thursday, the bells "binded" in the churches and replaced their rappers and knockers. Gazdiné prepared green food - spinach, yoghurt or juice.
On Good Friday, everyone before the sun was washed in the stream to be healthy all year round. On Saturday night, the girls drank the cottage with the ants to have a lot of bastards. The youngsters in Zaryeh had sprinkled the ants in bed so they were not lazy. Great Friday was the greatest holiday of the Evangelicals. For Catholics, the day of strict fasting officially lasted until the following day, but was mostly followed until the Resurrection.
The easter Sunday of the girl was painting Easter eggs, and the boys were wearing a bun. By size, either a quad or a quad. For their production, they used spruce wires. In Zarye there was a 11-pole skateboard, Kubrania and "sixties".
Šibačka is older
On Easter Monday, she was dressed and laughed in the morning. An old habit in our region was a chibi, the miller began to practice after the First World War. The young men were wrapped in a bottle, a pot, a "bucket". The defending girl often flies to the stream as well. In Selcia, in cold weather, the boys put a steak on the cart, where they cooked so cold water was not. The words were then picked up. At present bathing is changing to a social event, where the girl is symbolically sprinkled with a scent. Smaller luncheons have received Easter eggs or money, bigger for a glass of spirits, eggs, some bacon or sausages, and the pie is pricked. The food was then distributed to the dancer. In the evening there was a fun dance with the dance, the first for a long time. The next morning, girls were chosen to polish boys, they did not get it, but it often ended the same as on Monday ...
Easter habits in the past have had a positive influence on the changes in nature, ensuring the prosperity of the economy before the start of spring work. Today, we meet them in a red-figure form and are proof of our ancestors' bright life.
Author: Leo Kužela
Photo by Radovan Stoklas
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