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Kastelánka Katka

The atmosphere is important and it must have a soul. This is what Katarína Orthová, an energetic 47-year-old woman, the castellan of Čachtice Castle for the third year, claims. It is said that it is not a profession, but a mission. The castle wrapped it all around his finger. He doesn't guard him, but rather wants it to be busy here. She is officially an employee of the municipality of Čachtice, in charge of tourism and castle administration.

What does the mysterious word castellan mean?

"Kastelánka is actually the administrator of the castle. It takes care of the normal operation of the castle, maintenance, visitors, employees, temporary workers, souvenirs, supplies. He communicates with the media, with sellers, craftsmen. He is in charge of the program, events, new ideas, but also responsibility when something doesn't work out as it should. "

You took the scepter of the castellan from the castellan, ie the man ...

"Before, there was a castellan in the castle, a clever young boy. Great guide, had amazing ideas, only the stock was less to my taste. In turn, I am set up so that people need to relax, to experience something. They still need to come up with something, for all ages. It must have an atmosphere and a soul. "

You have been a castle of Čachtice Castle for three years. Do you often hear that you are starting to look like Báthoryčka?

"It simply came to our notice then. Although it is written in the consciousness of people as a bloodthirsty count, but I might take this reputation with a grain of salt. However, she was a great herbalist and we have a common relationship with herbs and natural remedies. "

You are not a typical clerk. The office and the paperwork probably don't fill you.

"I enjoy playing, creating a fairy tale. I have no problem putting on a costume and walking around the castle. Whether as Báthoryčka or an angel, or anything that will be thematically in tune with the event. Of course, I have days when I need to hide from people. But mostly my extrovert side is reflected in the castle. I like to talk to people, I like to entertain them. However, you would not find me as a guide on a classic tour of the castle. "


"Even though I speak sovereignly, as soon as ten, fifteen people stand in front of me and wait for the classic, you can see on the right ... ', for unknown reasons, I will measure. At the same time, I would tell them everything during the informal walk. I help the castle differently as a guide. I often do it when most people have time off. Someone is having fun, I'm at work then. I enjoy it, it's a lifestyle. "

Where do you get inspiration for new attractions?

"It's all around us. You just have to recognize yourself. I'm looking forward to visitors returning to the castle, even during one season. This time the train helped us. But there are also smaller attractions, I would rather call it experiences and surprises. You would not believe how much joy you will give children when you let them look for and collect sweets around the castle. People need to feel good about the visit and it will make them a good experience. They often call us when the next event, the next event. "

Are you satisfied with the tourist year 2020? He was more than specific.

"The castle was only open for a few months, we lived in a makeshift place, the measures were constantly changing. Despite the significantly shorter season, more than 56,000 people visited us. And for the whole of 2019, about 68,000 came. Of course, people vacationed more in Slovakia and domestic tourism was green. How many visitors would come to Čachtice Castle if the year 2020 was not written, it is difficult to say. "

You are not a native of Čachtice. How did the locals receive you?

"As who. Like everywhere - someone will accept you among themselves and will be happy to help, someone would rather not even look at you. However, this is probably normal. I also heard that a "pâté" came here and even occupied the castle for them. No disaster. ”(Laughter)

Did you come to Čachtice intentionally because of the castle?

"Not at all. I was a burnt-out woman from Bratislava, whose work and constant contact with people began to interfere. I was looking for a change. I wanted to dig, loneliness, but I found an offer for a house in Čachtice. The view, nature appealed to me. I moved here in December, a terrible cold hit, the house was 5 degrees fresh. However, I completely reduced contact with people and lived a solitary life. "

How did you get into the work of the castellan and in contact with people?

"I say it was a sign. First, during my coffee in the square, I heard from the side table that a castellan was being sought. In a few days, they reported it on public radio. I thought it was bullshit. Or ... I'll wait for one more sign, if that's the case. The next day I went to the office to arrange something and there they told me that they were looking for a castellan to apply. So I filed and they picked me. "

That must have shocked you.

"I do. I told myself that there was no manual on how to make a castellan well. (laughs) Then I'll do it my way. Since I graduated from the Faculty of Law and I didn't even get into history or construction, I had to study everything. "

You already have Čachtice Castle at your fingertips. Alžbeta Báthoryová made him famous, what attracted you to her?

"She was a clever, confident and wise woman. She had many assets to take care of and increase. She must have been lying in the stomach of many, and I wouldn't have been surprised at all if her bloodshed had been directed at her. Even today, it is not a problem to turn with anyone's reputation. If she wasn't noble, they'd probably be declared a witch and maybe burned. "

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