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Light rain

Recipe: Grullnpelstchen - potato pie

Potato recipes never get tired. They are tasty, hearty and feed the whole family. They also know about it in the district of Prievidza, where they have been happy to prepare this recipe for years.


Semi-coarse flour 300 g, plain flour 150 g, eggs 1 pc, potatoes 300 g, bacon 200 g, onion 150 g, salt 1/4 PL, ground black pepper 1/4 PL, sugar 2 PL.


We make dough from flour, eggs, salt and sugar. Boil the potatoes in their skins, clean and squeeze. Fry the chopped onion on the bacon, mix with the potatoes, season with salt and pepper. We divide the prepared dough into halves, roll it out, spread the potato mass evenly and cover it with a second sheet of dough. Let's bake. After baking, we can sprinkle with fried bacon or sweetly sprinkle with powdered sugar.

We wish you good taste!

The recipe book was prepared by TSK in cooperation with the Secondary Vocational School of Trade and Services in Púchov.

Photo: Radovan Stoklasa

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