Trencin region
Discover all hidden treasures from different corners of our region.
Number of results: 842
Regional Tourism Organization The Horní Nitro - BOJNICE Region, in cooperation with the municipality of Kľačno, organized a workshop on Life and…
Lovers of cycling, adrenaline and sports enthusiasts are looking forward to meeting you. The village of Bošáca and the town of Nováky have expanded…
A modest biker with quick legs. This is exactly what Erika Baška, one of the most talented athletes in Slovakia. Even though the native of Dohnian…
It is firm and fragile at the same time. He is directing us everywhere. Glass. Unpopular washing of windows and drinking spring water from the…
The premises of the Trenčín Castle will come to life in the coming days. From Monday, October 9, the windows will be exchanged on the individual…
. Journalists from Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia spent three days in the Trenčín Region to visit the most remarkable places in…
Absolute purity and 100% employment, but mainly lack of information and abstinence. Traveler Cinema introduces North Korea. . The world behind the…
. Presenting the individual districts of the Trenčín Region will end in Púchov. The region, known for its strong industry, offers many attractions…
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