Hiking, spa, nature, history or sport. The visitors of GO and Regiontour Brno could find a rich base of tourism in the Trencin region for 4 days (18-21 January 2018) at BVV Trade Fairs Brno.
During the past weekend, the largest pavilion of the Brno Exhibition Center was celebrated by a popular tour of tourism. In 2018, Regiontour and GO hosted 860 exhibition exhibits from 26 countries . More than 30,000 visitors enjoyed a tour of all regions of the Czech Republic or seven of the eight regions of Slovakia, among which there was no representation of Trenčianska župa.
How to spend free time in the region, which is known for its cultural or natural potential, was represented at the fair by representatives of the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín region. "Visitors have visited the most interesting tourist sites, cultural monuments or the possibility of relaxing in the spa. We appreciate the annual opportunity to present our region, as well as the opportunity to draw new inspiration from the area of marketing in tourism, "said the executive director of KOCR Trenčín region, Eva Frývaldská . An assortment of promotional materials presenting the Trenčín Region complemented the materials of member regional tourism organizations, organizations in the area of Trenčín self-governing region and private providers of tourism services. Among the partner regions of the South Moravian Region (JMK), except for the Trenčín region, the public knew the charm of Croatia, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Austria and Lithuania.
The four-day program of the fair was carried out in a pleasant spirit and the atmosphere of the traveler. The main theme of this year's Regiontour was the use of modern technology in tourism. They are increasingly used to support destination management. The participants of the fair could try electronic touring or sightseeing around the world using virtual glasses. "It's amazing. After the past years, which resembled the decline of this fair, the current year is a major reboot. I believe that it inspires other regions and cities to participate in the future, " said JMK chief Bohumil Šimek .
The gastronomic and visual experience of Regiontour 2018 boosted 100-year history. The anniversary of the creation of the 1st Czechoslovak Republic thematic reminded many exhibitors. 100 years of the Republic presented through graphics in promotional materials, music or a fashion show of historical clothing, which was prepared for visitors by the Brno exhibition.
"I like the fair to live, to entertain craftsmen, gastronomy, and everything related to tourism. Slovakia is presenting this year in a larger format, as our regions and entrepreneurs perceive the Moravian clientele as very important, " added Klára Badinková , a foreign tourist agent of the Slovak Republic.
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