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The spa is open again for the region

The inhabitants of the towns and municipalities involved in the Spa in the Region project can enjoy attractive discounts in Spa Trenčianske Teplice. The sixth year of the event was launched in December 2017, its second part being realized on 2 January - 28 February 2018.

Spa Trenčianske Teplice annually provides for the permanent and new customers the benefits of the popular Spa project in the region. Drinking water can be enjoyed by guests at a discounted price. "I hope that even this year we will attract a lot of visitors who will be able to get the effects of the unique thermal water in our pools at attractive prices," said Michal Vojtaš, General Manager of Trenčianske Teplice.

In the fifth year of the last year, 64 skilled people and municipalities of the Trenčian region and the partner town of Trenčianske Teplice - Vsetín were involved. One of the partners of the project is the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín Region. "The Spa in the Region project is an ideal tool for increasing the visitors' reach of the oldest spa in our region. Every year the effects of healing springs attract thousands of inhabitants from our region, as well as tourists from all over Slovakia, "reminded the Executive Director of KOCR Trenčín region Eva Frývaldská.

Visitors can use a discount of up to 50% on entries to all thermal pools and 30% at Grand Pool entrances at the time of the project. Discounts in thermal pools can only be used by people over the age of 18. In the case of interest for preferential entry it is necessary to prove a permanent residence permit in a participating city or municipality.

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