welcomein Trenčín Region

Discover all hidden treasures
from different corners of our region.



Light rain

Number of results: 798

The dron will compete until October

How did you spend the summer? Have you been breathing in the water, in nature, or in the news, to know the sights of our region? Thanks to the game…

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Traffic to Trenčín Region is growing

Trenčiansky kraj's growth is increasing, for the first half of 2017 he visited 172,660 tourists. . Interest in Trenčín region rises year after…

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Tourist attractions of Bojnice in a new mobile application

. Regional Tourism Organization (OOCR) The Horná Nitra-Bojnice Region and the Bojnice City have prepared a unique tool for visitors - the mobile…

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Trends return to Trenčín after years-icon

Trends return to Trenčín after years

When it comes to Trenčín, many automatically give it a "city of fashion". The Fair, which lived the metropolis of Považia since 1963, returns to the…

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Dolina, where the flies are rotating

The Long Marikov Valley is measured from Udić to the upper end of 16 km. Of this, more than two-thirds are made by Horni Marikova, with an area of…

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Night in tree crowns

Trenčianske Teplice

The spa town of Trencianske Teplice boasts a new, unique attraction. You can spend the night in the embrace of nature right in the trees. . The…

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Night of castles and ruins in the Trenčín Region

On Saturday, August 19, 2017, the 6th annual Noc of Castles and Ruins will be held, organized by associations and volunteers saving the ruins of…

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Bee World-icon

Bee World

Do you know why the legendary Chansonian Hana Heger is singing in a humorous manner? Because her mother was freely called Čelková, she came from the…

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