welcomein Trenčín Region

Discover all hidden treasures
from different corners of our region.



the rain

Cultural and historical heritage as an essential attribute of national awareness

The main objective of the project is to acquaint the inhabitants and visitors of the border region with interesting places of cultural heritage and natural attractions in the Zlín and Trenčín regions and motivate them to visit and get to know these places and thus deepen their interest in common history. Through the exchange of good practice and study visits, partners, cities and municipalities and other stakeholders will share knowledge and experience aimed at raising awareness of residents and visitors, thus increasing their interest and attendance. The project will contribute to promoting cross-border tourism and strengthening the competitiveness of border regions - the tourist destination of Eastern Moravia and the Trenčín region. The output of the project will be one created integrated product that enhances the cultural and natural heritage.

Operational Program: 304000 - Interreg VA Slovak Republic - Czech Republic

Priority axis: 2 - Quality environment

Investment priority: 3. Conservation, protection, promotion and development of natural and cultural heritage (6c)

Specific objective: 2.1 Increasing the attractiveness of cultural and natural heritage

Call code: INTERREG VA SK-CZ / 2016/03

Date of submission: 26.10.2016

Date of approval: 02. 11. 2017


Project partners

Lead partner: Tourist authority of East Moravia, ops

Main cross-border partner: Trenčín region


Total eligible project expenditure: EUR 246 512.53 of which:

Tourist authority of East Moravia, ops: EUR 154 471.04

Trenčín region: EUR 92 041,49

EU co-financing: EUR 209 535.64 of which:

Tourist authority of East Moravia, ops: EUR 131 300.38

Trenčín region: EUR 78 235,26

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