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In the Trenčín region, new stretches of bicycle trails are gradually emerging

Already in May cyclists will use the new cycle route between Upper Middle and New Town over Vahom

The inhabitants of Nové Mesto nad Váhom will soon find a safer, more comfortable and attractive alternative to sports or work. These days, the construction of a 13.4-kilometer section of a cycle path between the village of Horná Streda and the district town of Nové Mesto nad Váhom culminates. The public will be available at the end of May.

Costs related to the construction of this stretch of cycle path of almost CZK 3.7 million.  € œ the Trenčín Self-Government Region (TSK) is responsible for realizing the idea of ​​a weighbridge. The construction work was launched last November, the solemn finale will be on the bike route next month. Part of the 13.4 km section of the cycle route will include two sheltered bays that cyclists, skaters and pedestrians who use cycling trails will come in case of bad or near sunny weather. Besides, the cycling route is completely segregated from motor traffic , thus increasing not only the comfort but also the safety of the cycling community.

The first cyclists will take over the historic premiere of the Vázská cyklotrasa already at the end of May. Its gala opening and submission to the public is scheduled for Friday, May 25, 2018 . After this date, the cycle path will be prepared for the first cyclists or skaters, but also for those who will use it as a full-fledged alternative to getting to work. The cycle route connects the villages of Pobedim, Horná Streda, Brunovce, Potvorice and Povazany with the town of Nové Mesto nad Váhom. There are several larger regional companies and employers with the largest concentration in New Town over Vahom.

Even between Púchov and Nimnice there will be a new cycle path, as you will not see in Slovakia

Between the district town of Púchov and the spa town of Nimnica there is a lot of construction in this period. In addition to the fact that the new railway estacade is gradually growing in this section, visible contours are already taking on the emerging cycle path . The Nimnica Spa is safely accessible for locals, skaters and cyclists, about 4.2 km long. The spa guests can walk to this cycling trail conveniently, by walking or cycling through the town. "This stretch is specific by the fact that the bicycle route will have a 1.5 meters long strip of its own , along with a 3 m wide strip for cyclists in the two-sided profile. It is a really luxurious version of the cycle route and I have to say that we did not realize such a wide range of cycling trails in Slovakia, "said Anton Boc from Strabag, sro, who builds the cycle path. The cycle route is financed from the sources of the Trenčín Self-governing Region (TSK) with costs in excess of 2.9 mil. €.

The cycle path connecting Púchov to Nosická Dedina is one of the eight parts of the weighing cycling trail. Likewise, as well as the part between Horná Streda and Nové Město nad Váhom. When the entire Sage Cycle Route is a reality, it will reach 100 km. The presently emerging, Nimnicopouche, will not be isolated . "The cycle route between Nimnica and Púchovo ends at a roundabout in Púchov, near the business house. There is another stretch of the weighbridge that will lead the picture area of ​​Púchov Športcentra up to Ladce. This section will also include a bridge over the old Váhu trough in the cadastral area of ​​the village of Beluša, so it will also be an interesting building, "TSK Radka Hladký, head of the Transport Department of TSK, said.

Source: Odd. communication and international relations of TSK

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