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Prievidza at the crossroads of history and current trends in tourism

The town of Prievidza in cooperation with Regional Tourism Organization REGION HIGH NITRA - BOJNICE organizes an international conference Prievidza on the crossroads of history and current trends in tourism. The conference will be held under the auspices of the Vice-President of the European Commission JUDr. Maroš Šefčovič, PhD. on Thursday, April 19, 2018 at the Cultural and Social Center at Fraňa Madvu Street 11.

Upper Nitra has been identified as one of the less developed regions of the Slovak Republic, so it is currently preparing for its fundamental transformation. According to JUDr. Katarína Macháčková, Mayor of Prievidza "Tourism is one of the factors that can contribute positively to the transformation. This economic sector, with its development and requirements, has an impact on the creation of new jobs, the services sector, their scope and quality, the emergence of new attractions, the cleanliness of the environment, That's why we've decided to hold a conference on tourism. "

The aim of the conference is to present to the participants new perspectives of CR development not only in Prievidza but in the whole region, examples of good practice, incentives for creating new products of regional tourism, incentives for more efficient utilization of the potential given to this region due to natural landscapes, history, culture and industry heritage. The lecturers will be representatives of the Tourism Section of the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic, KOCR Trenčín region, the association The European Cultural Route of St. Cyril and Methodius. In addition, the new concept of tourism development in the town of Prievidza, approved by MsZ in February 2018, aims to further develop bicycle trails, urban, architectural and artistic elements of the city, whose value in the course of time has risen and became a remarkable feature of Prievidza. Prievidza has the ambition to maintain its historical wealth and traditions and at the same time wants to be a modern dynamic regional center based on the principles of "Smart city" - to improve the city's quality of life, reduce the burden on the environment and optimize transport. Consequently, there is also a contribution on the theme of electromobility and its impact on the CR in the conference program.

The accompanying events of the conference will be a photo exhibition, a presentation of the Green Wheel and presentation of electric cars. Prievidza will be the first city in Slovakia, where a public presentation of the best-selling electric car in the world NISSAN LEAF II will take place. generations. Those interested will also be able to test this electric car from 14.00 to 16.00.

Briefing for media with representatives of the company that sells electromobiles will take place from 11.30 to 12.00 in KaSS vestibule in the presence of Mgr. Michal Ďurej, spokesperson of the city of Prievidza and Mgr. Andrey Malátová, Managing Director of OOCR RHNB.

Source: PaedDr. Sylvia Maliarikova, OOCR RHNB, FIJET Slovakia; www.bojnice.eu

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