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Light rain

From extreme to extreme

Radoslav Tilandy (1969) was born in Trenčín. He works as a manager in an audit firm. He is married and has four children. She loves cycling, especially the extreme one. Together with his friends Paľo Babic and Miš Barták, he brought to our region the project of the Trenčín Highlands (VKT), which today has several versions.

How did you get into extreme sports?

- I have a stressful job and the bike is its opposite to me. It started thirty years ago, when I went first to the first village, then to the second. Then I got a bike from my father, on which I went to Lučenec, 200 kilometers away. The idea came to go by train as far east as possible and return home by bike. Already in my current job, I came to one meeting on a bicycle. At that time, my boss suggested that I come to Prague in this way. And when my friend Miška and I managed Prague, I said to myself that I also have a friend in Munich and I always wanted to go to Oktoberfest.

You have brought the popular Vrchárská koruna to our region. Today, hundreds of tourists and cyclists take pictures at the twenty prescribed peaks every year.

- The inspiration came from the Vrchárská koruna of Wallachia and Spišská 333. Our VKT was created by combining their rules. Later we added the winter version. And now I've come up with a challenge. I will cycle, but I will not return home. I announced VKT nonstop winter psycho edition. The point was simple. You start from the house to the first peak and continue to go through all twenty.

How long did it all take?

- Exactly 107 hours. There was also a period when I had delusions and I considered rocks or trees to be human. When I arrived at the Cozy Room, I had been awake for 47 hours. It was about 5 degrees. Even though I'm hardy, I woke up shaking me. Fortunately, the tourists passed by and smoked me, for which I thank them. From Čičermanské sedlo, the navigation offered me a route down the hill. Well, in that sleepless head, I didn't realize it meant a detour.

Did you want to give it up too?

- Not. If my bike broke down, I would call my wife to bring me another one.

Do you record such attempts in your community?

- It's a Slovak record. Even though I don't play it on records, I was pleased to be the first. The boys from Moravia, who would probably give me, gave it up because of technical things. It's a pretty crazy idea and it's not common to do things like that in the winter.

As a VKT organizer, you also set an example in this way ...

- As for the non-stop edition, I do not recommend it even in the summer, if someone is afraid in a dark corridor, or has panic when meeting a game. It's for adventurers, nothing is equipped.

You drive a lot around our region. How are the marked cycling routes?

- I went through all the High Crowns in Slovakia. I will answer without any hesitation that our region is the best marked. Mainly well-marked forests. I don't need to have a marked bike path in the city center. In this we are far ahead of the Czech Republic, Italy, Switzerland, Austria. Signage in the Trenčín region may envy us. Gemer is close behind us.

Are you sensitive?

- You will be terribly hypersensitive after these experiences. I am impressed when strangers help me. When they gave me a blanket on Portáš and cooked for me. In the east, people invited me home to sleep, offered me food.

What, then, is the return to the harsh reality?

- It is difficult to turn off the TV for children because it will block any noise. Not to mention the content. However, I will bring a lot of energy from the forest. Then I manage the stress that life brings better.

What's your next challenge, want to raise the bar?

- I enjoy every event. There are many of them in the Trenčín region. I'm already looking forward to the winter cycling league, various up-hills, winter psycho, there will be everesting in October ... For the third time I will try to overcome those almost nine thousand meters. This is my challenge, as it is an event in memory of my father. So I'd love to be an everester. And I would like to conquer the High Crowns more extreme again.

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