Today only remnants of meter-high walls and a few rocks can tell the story of once proud castle with a troubled history.
The story of the castle Košeca starts well before 1272. In the 14th century the castle was known as "Kassa" and became a seat of the local province. During the reign of Ľudovít Veľký the castle was managed by royal castellans. In 1397 Sigmund donated the castle along with the manor to Mikuláš, brother of Ctibor from Beckov. In the 15th century the castle came under the rule of Lieskovský family, also called Kasai - Košecký. Under their rule the castle and the surrounding property became economically strong. However, following their open support of Hussites, Matthias Corvinus took Košecký castle and the manor house away from the family in 1462. Blažej Maďar became its new owner. Košecký family supported by Hussites had been fighting for the castle for nearly three decades during which the castle changed owners several times. After the turbulent years, several changes of owners and lawsuits the owner of the castle became Petróczy, later Ileshazi family. Palatine Pavol Esterházy invaded the castle on 16th November 1670. Over the next year, the imperial troops tore the castle apart. Troops undermined and blown up bastions and walls and badly damaged the foundations of the castle. This event sealed the fate of Košeca castle which then turned into ruins.
According to the old legend Košecký castle was founded by Smaragdus, a leader of Templars, as he was returning with his companions from Palestine.
The hill where the castle once stood is definitely worth visiting. It offers nice views of the surrounding Strážov mountains, Košecké Podhradie and distant surroundings. The road leading to the castle can be managed even by families with children.
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Mgr. Radomír Brtáň
Košecké Podhradie
018 31 Košecké Podhradie