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Nemšová's new attraction is the historical mill

The old, more than 200-year-old mill is the oldest technical monument in Nemšová.

However, it is unique not only for its age, but also for its original equipment, which has been preserved here for 80 percent. Last year, the renovation of the building started, which will make it a new attraction in the Trenčín region.

It has always been a key source of water for the mill industry. In the case of this region, the most productive was the Váh and its tributaries. One of them is Vlára, in the vicinity of which several mills once operated. Only one thing has survived in Nemšová to this day - Králik's mill. In the Králik family, it has been inherited from generation to generation for several centuries. During its existence, it was nationalized in the 1950s.

"I have lived in this mill since birth. It was owned by my father and previously by his father and before us by our other ancestors. However, his father did not talk much about the mill, he was a little bitter, because the mill was nationalized, it was closed and he could not continue the work he liked, "said Oľga Králiková at the beginning of the renovation. The family finally managed to get the valuable building back through restitution. At present, it has been leased to the city for a long time, which, thanks to Eurofunds, has started to renovate it. After the reconstruction, an exposition should be created in the renovated premises, which will introduce the mill craft itself to the public. In the lower part there will be a common room, in the annex there will be the seat of the civic association Peregrín, which helps oncological patients. The mill will also be an interesting stop on the Trenčín - Brumov cycle route. Its grand opening is scheduled for this year.

photo: www.kralikovmlyn.sk

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