When Bošáca is mentioned, the abstinent is immediately attacked by plum brandy. Whether anyone likes it or not, we are in a region where fruit thrives despite the hard clay soil. This time we chose to debate about fruit growing, weather and tourism in the Bošák part of Zabudišová. No, it is not a forgotten place at all, it is a region "behind Budišová" and the locals are proud that they still did not get a long name for the letter Z.
We passed through the picturesque Bošáca, we pass a newly planted orchard of original Slovak varieties. We still have a few turns and we are at the finish line. Along the way, there is a signage for the cycling time trial, which will start in a few hours. We have an appointment with the Struhárov brothers at the fire station. The garage for the new fire trailer is well preserved. It can be seen that the locals take care of her. There is a bus stop and a bus "turn". However, the original inhabitants of Zabudišová call this place Barina. Barina was once written on postcards as well, but the new Awakening is written Otoč. At first glance, they resolved the dispute simply and with general satisfaction. The place where we meet has on the wall written: Barina - turn. "Look, we even have the Wandering Library on the turn," we didn't even have time to turn on the dictaphone, and we're already at the classic bus stop, where brothers Jozef and Jaroslav show us a locker full of books. Bookcases adorn many cities and offer books for fun. Here you can choose a book before the bus ride and you won't get wet.
They like to welcome tourists, but they also watch
"Jelenec on the right, Javorina on the left," we look into the left and begin to get to know the whole region from one place. You may think we are exaggerating, but read on. "Here is the Lovichovec valley, where there used to be a children's camp. I remember how the militiamen went there to show us the shooting. The current owner is restoring it there and restoring the place's charm, "tourists praise the body and soul who were criticized by tourist colleagues from other parts of Slovakia for the fact that Bošácka dolina does not have accommodation, food or souvenirs for tourists. "What would we do there?" Asked their question. "Fortunately, Bohuslavice already has two boarding houses, so there will also be refreshments ..." says the younger of the brothers, Jozef, who also outlined the topic of the corona-tourists. According to him, it is a special type of people who get out of the car, notice the first tree and take a picture right away. "If they don't pick up unripe fruits and herbs with their roots, we'd love to see them here. However, they make a bad name for tourists, so when the locals see a foreign car coming, I wonder which type of tourist is coming ... ”they explain and already show us a hill with steep walls and the Hungarian-sounding name Pohonitva. "I think it can be like a beast drive. The hill can be surrounded and the beast has nowhere to escape, "Jozef thinks, adding that Pohonitva looks like a pyramid from the nearby Lovichovec hill. Zabudišová is surrounded by up to six hills. Mlačovec, Kolkové, which can be bypassed and there is also a fruit dryer, Bocháčovec, Pohonitva, Roháčová and Budišová.
Kopaničiari from Blava
Two Bratislava families also found a home in the middle of the hills. The cottagers became local. When we ask the natives if they have accepted them, the answer is surprising. "They accepted us. They even invited us to the wedding. Half were friends from Bratislava and half were kickers, "they recall the wedding sixteen years ago, when we walked together to Vojtech. He is currently preparing a bicycle for a cycling time trial, although his outfit looks as if he is preparing for a traditional mowing competition. He wants to stand on the track of a bicycle race in a linen shirt and trousers and leather "slippers".
"We came here from Bratislava by horse. My wife rides professionally and we didn't want them to interfere with anyone. We don't have a direct neighbor here, "reveals the primary reason for the change of environment, a native of Bratislava, to whom the children were born as kickers. The most beautiful view of the world is said to be from the horse's back and walks around the area praise it. However, they do not integrate into agritourism business. "We don't want to change the character of the country." And while his wife brought Zabudiš's horse from Bratislava, he packed kayaks for the move. At first we thought that they were sledding down the hills in the winter, because there are plenty of them. "I have to try it, my dad tried it," Vojtech smiles and probably freezes him that he hasn't "started" in those years. He is a paddler and takes kayaks to Váh.
"From Trenčín to Piešťany, Váh is the most beautiful place in Slovakia. In Trenčín and Piešťany, they ruined it with dams, but the old riverbed is beautiful, ”the paddler and film projector is excited. During the summer, he screened films from Barina on the wall of the fire station. They watched the last film together in early October, even with the adjective screening for the hardy. We will take another photo for Vojtech and the one with two bicycles will set off for Bošác to start. One bike takes a neighbor. However, we will still wake up in his garden. Goats and hens will greet us and accompany us to an exceptional tree.
The oldest pear and trees of the year
In the middle of the garden stands a huge wild pear, the winner of the Tree of the Year 2006 poll. When heavy wet snow falls, we break it and it will be a pity, "begins the narrator of the fruit grower Jozef Struhár, who nominated the pear for the survey. "Pear also has an attractive story. During World War II, partisans hid in a nearby house. As the Germans approached, the partisans fled and threw ammunition into the hollow of the tree. I don't know if that's true, but when there was a guy with a metal detector, it whistled. Even when set to detect gunpowder, ”shows the hole in the tree in which the owl resides from time to time. The pear has a trunk circumference of 380 centimeters, at its widest point even 415. Its age is estimated at more than 300 years. There are no plans for older pear plans in Slovakia. The fruit is small but tasty, ideal for pear.
Speaking of the Tree of the Year poll, the Bošácka part of Zabudišová has probably the most winners per square meter. Jozef Struhár later nominated a pink pear to the poll, which also won third place in the European competition after winning in Slovakia. A year later, the survey in Slovakia was won by the domestic apple tree, the winter winter variety of Zapišišov. Zabudišová also scored one bronze from 2011 for three championships, for Zicháček's oskoruša.
All according to the pattern of fruit
Tons of fruit have been exported from the Bošácká Valley since Vienna and Hungary to Vienna and Budapest. The combination of weather and soil gives the local fruit an ideal taste and especially sweetness. "When my colleagues and I bring fruit to work, such as plums, they are much sweeter from us. And we are still within the Trenčín region, "adds Jaroslav Struhár, who also deals with meteorology and even cooperates with the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute.
"I measure and report the temperature and precipitation. I have a thermometer on each side of the cottage. I measured the precipitation mathematically from the beginning. All you need is a cylinder, π times r² times height = volume, and over the volume I calculated the amount of precipitation in millimeters, "explains Jaroslav and later shows us the weather station. According to his measurements, precipitation has decreased in recent years. "The average rainfall is currently 805 millimeters. There used to be years when we reached 580 millimeters, but last year they rose to more than 1000 millimeters, ten years ago it was up to 1036 millimeters, "reminds a meteorologist who has been dealing with the weather since childhood. And while he has been watching the weather since boyhood, his brother planted the first fruit trees at the age of thirteen. Today, in various places in Zabudišová, he shows us alleys of mature trees, which give him a lot of sweet fruits every year.
Although we are in a place famous for the distillery and especially the local fruit brandy, not all apples, pears or plums end up in a liquid state. There is also a legendary traditional White Carpathian fruit dryer in Zabudišová. The house, tucked away in the middle of the forest, looks like a fairy tale. And the scent of wood, fire and fruit mixes perfectly in its surroundings.
A dream of a lookout tower on Roháčová
As in similar Kopaničiarské corners, people are here. Brothers Jozef and Jaroslav are no exception. Tourism is so close to them that they decided to mark some hiking trails and trails. "Why? The locals often got lost here as well. In six years, we have built 36 kilometers of new routes around Bošáca, we take care of 57, "they name and point to the surrounding hills. We must not ask what it costs them, and I believe it is not a walk in the rose garden. Marking is the least, it is more about working with a saw. Pruning branches and shrubs so that the thicket does not cover the markings.
"We dream of a lookout tower on Roháčová. Forests would give us wood, but there is no time for all the activities. But the view is already beautiful there, be sure to go see it, "we get a tip for the trip. If you want to visit the lookout tower, plan your trip to Lopeník. There are several ways to get to the tower full of views. It depends on your condition and tourist ambitions. "We will be happy to take you to the Štefan Tourist March. We start at Barina on a turn and go to Mikulčin vrch. Whoever wants can continue to the lookout tower on Veľký Lopeník, "they invite people up close and far away.
If you just want to enjoy nature and see several peaks from almost one place, just go for a short walk along Zabudišová. When Jozef and Jaroslav showed us the first peaks in the distance, we had no idea that we would see even more in a moment. Just look at the fire station. "There is a small pass, under it Vápeč and at the back you can see Strážov. This is Baske, in two hundred meters you will see Homôlka, "we watch a kind of Vrchárska crown in a live broadcast and from one place. A few meters further, we get a control question: "Do you know what's in the back?" We know the transmitter and we tip Inovec. That's right! Another hill blown away. We can already see the promised Homôlka. In the winter, when skiing was at Homôlka in the evening, they saw a lighted slope in Zabudišová. One feels that it is an ideal place for an ancient castle. A strategic place from where you can see in all directions. But there have always been only forests, later meadows.
On kick for yoga
Although the castle never stood here, about three kilometers behind the village is the Buddhist place of gompa. In the middle of the digits there is literally a building on wooden wheels, a glass hall where Slovaks and Moravians meet, meditate and practice yoga. It is also admired by those who do not profess Buddhism, "the Struhárov brothers describe another jewel of the valley. Gompa became one of the resting places during the 30-kilometer hiking trail "Around Bošácka Valley".
We say goodbye again at Barina, on the turn. At a place where locals meet for movies or feasts. They prefer not to do big "bashavels" here. Their predecessors did not have a good experience with this.
"When clay houses were built 150 years ago, clay was dug in this place. People found bones and various swords and bayonets here. Since then, they have been generating for generations that there used to be a burial ground. When our mom was 20, they had fun. The old people warned them that the Lord would punish them. As soon as the fun began, thunder, lightning, hail fell from the clear sky, and it was over. Two years later, they wanted to have fun here again. The old people warned them again that this was not appropriate. They disobeyed and at that moment a nearby cottage started to burn, so everyone went to the fire ... We meet here, the stage is also here, but we have respect for the place. "
We leave Zabudišová on an empty road. Everyone is already waiting for the start. Cyclists and their fans. The mayor started the time trial by greeting and clicking our camera. We were honored.
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