Jan Žišek has a lot to remember. He has eight crosses on his back, in his half legs in the woods. Those feet already feel, they do not listen to him as they once were. However, the view is sharp and straight. From the pre-stretch where Jan Žišek invites the spring, we are navigating to hummers. "Walking through the valleys, exactly between these houses, the one-way route led. The woods, lime and wagons were lowered on Cibaika. There it was translated and wandered further. As regroúti we made a trip to Bošian, Topoľčian. In the wagons, "the forester remembers. Not every tree in this valley knows. He guarded the countryside everywhere, on the dolnians, near Trnava, most in the forests around Tribeč and Vtáčnik.
The Empress Memorial Wears Everything Essential in the Head. "Wood from forests was heavily considered when the village was taken over by the Haupt-Stummer. They built one-piece, lime. To know, after the liberation in 1952, I personally read a festive speech when they opened it again. She did not have a long life. The material was not good enough, and so it was good ... "The monolith and the remnants of the bridges were also lost. Only memories left.
A forgotten corner? Forget ...
Our reporting trip was aimed at the southeast end of the Trenčín region. Close to the Vyčoma River and under Kostrin, one of the hills of the Tribeč Mountains. We come with the motivation to brush another forgotten box. Do not forget ... Klatovy Nová Ves is different. The poet would say that she had to obey greatly when her judges were so cheery. It attracted historians, landmarks, architects, crazed tourists and started home. One thing is to inherit wealth, the other to care for it, to make it better.
A quick excursion to the oldest history of Klatovy Nová Ves is opened by a young stone age and the first tracks in the settlements. In the section of Shiance, we find the caves of the Lusatian culture and the remnants of the Iron Age castle. This is probably the oldest pride of the village. On the hill Kostrín there was a fortification as a defense against the attacks of the Celts. Still seeing here with the remains of the wall. Official history begins to be written in 1292 under the reign of King Andrew III. As the landslide changed, the names of the village also changed. Under that present, Andrej Novoveský signed, called "dictate". According to the story, he also gained a place in the general coat of arms. The Turks dismantled everything during the invasions; The two oak sprouts symbolize a new life.
The village has a ...
In the valley above Kostrín, the aprillary rays are supported. They blind the way. Beside our car, both films run on both sides. Colorful, fresh and fragrant. We run the windows, a deep breath ... We've seen this before! We hunt in the film archive. Clearly! Familiar Rudolf Hrušín, the cult village has a centerpiece, a statement of the century - "The country is lovely" and the doctor's car in the crossing ... We almost crossed the turn to the right. The center village of Klatovy Nová Ves, where the weather can be ordered, starts three kilometers in front of the village. In Sádk. "Zadok? It is mainly a Romanesque-Gothic church. A hard-to-learn monument at the top of Chríb Hill. It was built on the site of the former castle. Only part of the original church has gone through extensive modifications, modifications and changes depending on the owners, "explains Mayor Iveta Randziaková. He adds unconfirmed information that the church in Sádka is the second oldest in Slovakia after the Nitra. Cardinal Ján Chryzostom Korec, a native of nearby Bošian, had to express himself in this way.
The local part of Sádok is a part of the village. "Today it has thirty inhabitants, considerably less than the high season tourists. People live in the room, though a little out of hand. In the church, the whole village meets on annual worship. The times were long ago when people walked only here, on foot and from a wide range, "the mayor said.
All the Kostrin ...
From Sádok we go to the opposite side of the ski-valley. We call the center of the village full of life and history. Behind the Vyčoma River, the Neo-Baroque manor house with a pond, gazebos and bridges is removed from the park. Today it is the training center of the statistical office. A further national cultural monument is touched by the way across the road: Fortified Manor - a Land of the Earth used as a ceremonial hall. There is a tour of the second local part of Jánova Ves with a chapel along the main road. We hear a mysterious story about the local mansion, we are looking forward to the Kostrín chalet. It offers an oasis of relaxation, beautiful nature, relaxation for all families with accommodation and a gourmet offer. From this we choose the freaked Kostrin, this time in a diabolic plaque. The chalet is still full. It is the base on the way for monuments, attractions. The hill overlooking the hill is in Topoľčianky, the Cibajky with limestone chimneys, the hiking trails to the Kostrín Hill, Šiance Castle and other offers. We choose Cibajky. The new bituminous asphalt leads us to the forest hut, we turn left. We brake as sheep, a large herd of sheep. On the underpass they call the dough. The signal that the farm season has begun.
Where do women head their heads?
"What did you miss the date? The season begins tomorrow, then every Saturday we offer pirohy, strawberries, bryndza halušky, cheese, cheese ... ", welcomes us Vladimír Hamara, the main host and the owner of the farm. Meanwhile, he is making a phone call and prepares a Saturday morning sip. The agrofarm field looks more than dignified. Housewives say Hamara built it from ruins. Everything is clean, modern, neat, quality guarantee. Even a guesthouse, a restaurant, a product store, a brewery, a pantry, a private slaughterhouse, a syrup, a horse-drawn house, a hostel for staff ... Plus 700 sheep, goats, pigs, cattle, horses. "People get used to - they like nature and food. Everything we offer is ecological, fresh, directly from the yard. They walk the whole family, walk, on bicycles, walking. In particular, women are congratulating, they do not have to sit half-on-the-ground with pots and they can breathe their heads, "says Hamar.
Klatovy Nová Ves is a village with 1600 inhabitants, with three local parts (Klátova Nová Ves, Janova Ves, Sádok), three chapels, two churches, a chapel, newly renovated square, three restaurants, a chalet, an agrofarm, a pension, a medical center, School, kindergarten, network of shops, hairdressers, hairdressers, hairdressers, hairdressers, hairdressers Kostrín, club of pensioners, firemen, footballers plus traditional calendar of events: , Christmas markets, Pumpkin celebrations, Fairytale Fall, Autumn as a gift, concerts, performances ... A decent set of what you say? "We still get new ideas, inspiration. They come spontaneously, from people, which is great. We have to dampen them a bit, the stock of events is full, and we do not want traditional events to become enthusiastic.
People know how to count
We are already sitting in the epicenter of Klatova Nova Ves, in a modern municipal office, and the mayor Iveta Randziaková has the floor. "It's all about people. These are good, constructive, hardworking, just. They like their village, but it's always a hard robot. I'm not here, I come from Žilina. I guess I was lucky, people got me here. I grew up when the village was standing on her feet. This municipal office is also transformed from a forest office, next to a health center from a former notary public. The center of social life lacks - and for five years we have met at the new square under Kostrin. We have six new flats with 48 rented apartments, a representative ceremonial hall, the plan is an individual housing construction, "says the 54-year-old construction engineer who began as an investment assistant and at the turn of the millennium the head of the general office. "In 2003 I ran for the first time as mayor, I felt great responsibility and I still feel it today. Worker is both robot and mission. Sometimes it is also a bullshit, but especially a trust. "
One more comment. Mayor during the other three elections did not have a candidate. The General Prosecutor's Office is a one-coloring second term, and the number of candidates is the same as the number of elected deputies. It is possible? "Is a. This is not a funny war, a game of political t-shirts. We go to the election on the basis of a broad agreement, before we sit together for a table. Whoever wants to help and give the village energy and time is welcome. This does not mean, however, that if you do not have the opponent, it is dry. That no electoral program, visions, goals ... Fault. People are reining at the end of the day. "
Golden Coat of arms and the Year of the Year
To cope with the fascinating history of the village, fed with important names and special fates, it is a separate thematic outing. The community has taken care of its link, the book publications have released several. Informational droughts can not be complained even when surfing the Internet, the official portal of the village has already won seven times the title The best general web in Slovakia - Golden Coat of Arms. The mayor does not like praise, but the victory in the nationwide contest of the Village of the Year 2015 - "The Village as a Treasure House" - sits Klátovčan as a hat. Every year, it is granted to the municipality for the exemplary care of cultural heritage, their use for the development of tourism.
Baron, a doctor and his Gertrund
In younger history, two names are the most common. Baron Leopold Haupt-Stummer was born in 1884 in addition to Augustine's wife and the whole of Klatova's New Ves. He set up a horse-drawn farm, raised riding horses that he sold at auctions and grieved with their successes across Europe. He was engaged in breeding dairy cows, cultivated a sugar beet, clover on the seed, founded the orchard as a basis for the burning of plum brandy. He opened the stone, invested in the construction of the school, the logging, and built a one-stool. At this time, the village was experiencing a boom, the baron also gave people work in the local mansions he owned. His wife, Augustine, gave her the poorest food. From her own money she set up the first nursery for the youngest children - about water - so that mothers can work without worry. People have honored the Haupt-Stummer family, the golden times were said. The Baron died in his own woods - during his hunting, he was mistaken for deer.
Of the four Baron's children, Gertrund's daughter was most respected, thanks to her husband, Dr. Edmund Nessner. He came from Arad during the First World War as a military physician and met his wife in the Topolčian hospital. They settled in Jan's village where Gertrúda inherited a local manor. Nessner is still in the village today. The people healed free of charge, he was a herbalist, a mastiff. After his death the manor was given to the village, but he had a condition to serve for medical purposes. That's what happened, there was a sanatorium in it, today are looking for financial options for reconstruction of this monument.
Vulnerable Butterflies
Another artistic bonus from the wandering around Klatovy Nová Ves. Directly from the main road we enter the kingdom of the Paškov family. There was a sense of metal, glass and ceramics, beautiful colorful, yet vulnerable butterflies. Jozef produces wrought iron from the end of the school in Kremnica. "First of all, it was taken, fences, when we and our wife said we were commissioning art on our old knees. I did not know that she was going to put it on herself, "reminded the man of the house.
Ms. Jana engages in the debate. "The metal itself seemed too cold, lacking life, emotions. I started to be interested in the ceramics, working on the technology that will connect glass and metal and will not hurt them. It has been two years of experiments, even unsuccessful. The base is clay clay, different chemical additives are added to the glass. At the end, the product goes into a special furnace, burning there at high temperatures, giving the glass a 3D effect. "
The result? Unique sculptures that go to dragon not only to the exteriors. More important than the Presentation is the spiritual value of works according to the Paškov spouses. "We want them to radiate positive energy and joy. We appreciate recognition from the galleries, but ... It is important for us that a normal person knows what we want to express by writing. We set about intuition because I know that this art of people is getting closer. In our case, of course, "she added.
By pure words, the experience of the Paskovens will be seen as a bad dream for several weeks. "We were finishing preparations for the show, we slept really the last day. Our work has always been exhibited in front of the house. On Day D, we woke up in the morning and sixteen pieces were missing. Someone stole them, he walked through the gate over night, and even heavy, fifty-kilos of pieces were taken away by the car. It is not a financial loss. They were original creations with their looks, feelings and transitions. And the original is only one. "Once in a while, it's always about people. The mission in Klatovy Nova Ves can not be forgotten. Therefore, the title Nezábudkovo.
author: Radovan Stoklasa, Martin Petrík
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958 44 Klátova Nová Ves