In the Trenčín district, the most famous springs are those in Trenčianske Teplice. However, other natural water sources are scattered in several places around the regional city. They are known as sourdough.
Many of them refresh themselves during a hike in nature, others carry water in canisters at home, often across the Slovak-Czech border. Only in the territory of Trenčín there are four sorrel, the care of them is in the hands of the city. "In recent years, we have been repairing the bridge and gazebo at the sour in Záblatí. We changed the roof at the spring in Orechov. We solve acute repairs and maintenance of oxygen surroundings. However, not all land in their vicinity belongs to the city, "said town hall spokeswoman Erika Ságová.
Our ancestors already knew sours well. For example, the spring in Kostolná - Záriečí was used according to records as early as the 18th century for cooking and baking bread. In the past, sorrel in Trenčianske Jastrabí was also very popular. The castle count Mikuláš Ilešházi carried the local water all the way to Vienna, where it was often served on the imperial table. It is even said that Empress Maria Theresa also used hawk sourdough.
Today, people fill their water with oxygen into bottles, use it to cook or water flowers. However, regional hygienist Ľudmila Bučková points out that they only regularly inspect four springs - in Kubrej, Trenčianske Mitice, Kostolná - Záriečí and Chocholná. "Acids are waters that are intended for normal consumption. Drinking this water is always at your own risk, it should only be used as an additional source. And even in the case of good microbiological results, because they are always valid only at the time of collection, "she explained. Information on the results of consumption is published by the regional office on its website.
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