09. 10. 2017 - 10. 11. 2017
Date nad time
Monday 09. October 2017 -
Friday 10. November 2017
in Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Povazska Educational Center in Považska Bystrica
Ulica slovenských partizánov 1132/ 52
017 01 Považská Bystrica
Go back to the old days and remember the achievements of the once-modern technique or the various "retro" products.
Do you remember the terms "casette" or transistor? Did the shelves of your parents or old parents decorate porcelain gems and paintings from the chemlon? The Povazska Educational Center in Považska Bystrica, in the founding area of Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj, prepared an exhibition of various attractions from the past. The exhibition can be seen from 9 October to 10 November 2017 on a working day from 9:00 to 16:00, Wednesday until 18:00. For more information, please refer to the attached poster or website:
. Mesto Trenčianske Teplice leží severovýchodne od Trenčína na úpätí Strážovských…
Dominantný a majestátny. Taký je hrad Beckov. Vyrastá zo skaly, je s ňou spätý ako sú s…
Ulica slovenských partizánov 1132/ 52
017 01 Považská Bystrica